The Marriage Proposal

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"I knew your grandfather Mister Pine

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"I knew your grandfather Mister Pine. He was a good man, but the rest of your family, I cannot say the same." 

Jonathan was feeling a little better now. At least the Duke liked someone in his family. "My grandfather raised me, Your Grace, and I know last night's events should never have occurred. But since it came to my attention that the most beautiful lady in England had feelings for me, I needed to talk to her. I only acted in pure instinct last night."

The Duke clenched his jaw. "Do not speak about Lady Parker's affections like she was a less honourable woman on the streets, Mister Pine. That also is not a proper gentleman's way."

"God!! Can I do anything right with his angry man?" Jonathan took a deep breath. "Please forgive me, Your Grace. That was not my intention. I am trying to say that I have an advantage over all the other proposals I am sure you have already received this season."

George knew it was time to step in and speak. Philip needed time to swallow the storm, and Mister Pine was only enraging further his good friend. "I can see you brought your solicitor, Mister Pine. You must be here looking to draw a contract. What do you have to offer to Lady Parker?"

Lord Carson took their offer and the proof of inheritance and laid the papers on the table.

John started talking with all the confidence he could master. "I shall soon take possession of a lovely townhouse in Mayfair, with is only a walking distance from the Parker House and a short distance in the carriage from the London Palace. It is no secret how fond you are of your daughter, Your Grace and do not wish to part ways with her. It would be the most suitable option for your family. If you accept my marriage proposal."

The Duke's nostrils were already red from anger. He could not believe Mister Pine dared to say he was there to take the burden off his shoulder. "Do not insult me. You are doing me no favours here, Mister Pine. Have you secured any servants for the house? Because my daughter has many accomplishments, but she was born a high-rank lady, and I would never allow her to scrub floors."

"Yes, of course, I would never ask it of Lady Parker. My mother has brought the servants from York. They will be doing all the work." 

And there it was, his family. The Duke would die before letting his little girl live under the same roof as his rotten family. The Duke looked at George, and he nodded at him. Lord Carson noticed the exchange but did not know what that meant.

The Duke checked the papers on his desk. "It is a good location. I can say that. But the house is not as valuable as the Parker House or anything like Lady Parker is used to. The jewels are not enough, and the money in the trust will not be sufficient for long. I heard you did economics at Cambridge and graduated at the top of your class. Then you must know that it will not even cover your household expenses for one year."

Lord Carson knew it was his job to step up now. He had prepared additional papers, put them on the table, and spoke to the Duke. "Mister Pine also has not received the entire allowance instated in the late Viscount's Belford will since the death of the Dowager, which will bring him to over a whole year, Your Grace. He shall be able to afford the lady's pin money with his newly established funding. " Jonathan looked at Lord Carson. He did not expect that. His father will not be happy to give him that sum of money.

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