Chapter15||High Stakes

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"Two roads diverged in a wood ... I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

- Robert Frost


A thousand different thoughts swam around in my head as I whipped my head around to look at Jacob. His jaw was clenched as he gripped the steering wheel with one hand, the other resting on his lap balled into a fist. This was a new look for him, he almost looks...


"What. On. Earth?" I buckled my seatbelt, staring holes into Jacob.

"Listen up, I am going to drop you off at school and you are going to find Darcy--"

"Why do I need to find Darcy? I can--" I blurted out.

"And you both need to head to the safe house." He cut me off, ignoring my question.

What safe house?

He briefly glanced over at me, quickly averting his gaze back to the road.

"Do as I say and no questions." He growled at me, slamming down harder on the gas, sending the needle over 180 km. He had pretty much run through every red light by now, he's lucky there are no police cars within an earshot.

The Lamborghini swerved inside the school's parking lot with a loud screech.

"Go!" He spoke hurriedly, unlocking the doors. I turned around, taking in his appearance one last time before I exited the car, unsure if I would ever see him again. Who knows what will happen if he gets caught?

It must be my lucky day because the whole schoolyard was filled with nosy teens, mainly seniors who stared on like I was some sort of celebrity out of a movie. I was so late that I arrived at lunchtime.


I lowered my head, pacing towards the entrance. The halls were pretty much empty, so I frantically ran through, scanning every room I came into contact with.

Maybe she's in the art room?

I marched to the art room and flung the door open. The room was empty, except for the two love birds in the corner.

"Oh, sorry." I waved them off, awkwardly backing out of the room. I wished I didn't have to see that. And I'm almost 100% sure that I knew the guy from somewhere, just can't quite put my finger on it.

Where have I seen those long, black, wavy tresses before, that chiseled jawline...

Ethan Mcquire was it? No Evin, yes Evin... of course, Darcy won't be too happy that Mr. lover boy was way more interested in that brunette and what she had to offer.

I blinked twice, trying to erase the memory, but that only seemed to burn the image on my retina.


I've checked every room, from where I stand. I purposefully left out the classrooms cuz for one, I'm not the fittest person, and two, she wouldn't still be in the classroom at lunch. I knew that for a fact, she's my best friend after all.

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