You Won (angst + lemon)

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ar1xisu request

⚠️The following story describes a toxic relationship dynamic. This is not an example of a sustainable, healthy relationship of any sort. With that out of the way, enjoy the story with caution.⚠️


I sit down in the chair by C/N's desk in his office, sighing to myself. I take off my jacket and put it on the other chair. I adjust my clothes to make my bruises more visible, making it easier for C/N to be able to analyze the damage and properly treat me.

Now, to wait for C/N to arri-

My thoughts get cut off by the sound of the for opening. I look up, watching as C/N enters, looking at his clipboard.

"Hi, I'm Dr. C/N and-"

He looks up from his clipboard and stops himself, his demeanor and expression changing when he notices me. He sighs to himself in exasperation, sitting down in his office chair and picking up his pen, beginning to write on the paper on the clipboard.

"What happened this time, Y/N?"

I smirk triumphantly, showing my bruises before explaining.

"Just a few bruises and punches. I won."

C/N finishes filling out the form and puts the clipboard down onto his desk, rolling his eyes.

"I don't care if you won."

I give a slight frown and pout, crossing my arms in front of my chest at his response.

C/N walks to his supply closet and grabs a few items. He gathers them in his hands and sits back down in front of me. He picks up a sanitation wipe and opens it, wiping part of my arm for a moment before pausing. He looks up at me with an unreadable expression and sighs.

"Y/N, please stop getting injured and being so reckless."

Here we go again.

C/N starts individually cleaning my bruises, scratches, and scrapes with the sanitation wipe.

"It's my job, C/N. What do you expect?"

C/N simply rolls his eyes, continuing to clean my injuries.

"I know what to expect, but I don't want you to get beaten every day, week, or- hell, even every month."

C/N throws the last sanitation wipe into the trash. He grabs a bandage and glances at me for a quick moment and sighs.

"I care about you, Y/N."

Yeah right.

I scoff, crossing my arms in front of my chest. I slightly frown and look at him skeptically.

"If you do, why did you break up with me in the first place?"

C/N looks at me in disbelief before quickly finishing with dressing my injuries. He stands up in frustration, looking at me and holding his arms out to his sides for a moment.

"I couldn't bear seeing you like this. You always came home with bruises. You always just... shrugged it off! Like it was nothing!"

I look at the wall, irritated. I hear C/N's hands flop back to his sides before he continues speaking.

"You only ever came to me to fuck me, or for me to patch you up for the umpteenth time!"

I hear his voice wavering and look at him again, my expression laced with concern.

"Every time you came into my office, I was hoping for something else, but it always ended up just being the same stupid cycle!"

Unsure of what C/N means, my eyebrows slightly furrow in confusion.

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