Deep Breaths, pt. 2 (angst + fluff)

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⚠️Warning(s): mention of medication, manipulation, mind control, near forced use of a suspicious substance. There is a potentially triggering scene that will be labeled in the same manner as this warning. There will be the same message once the part is over, in case you feel the need to skip that.⚠️


"Here's your room. You'll be alone in here until we can figure out what exactly is wrong with you."

I simply nod along tiredly, feeling completely drained just from being around this guy for the past five minutes.

Okay, can you just leave already? I understand that I won't have a roommate. I don't care.

"...and the final rule; you cannot leave this room without notifying a staff member. If you try, an alarm will sound when you open the door. This alarm is only able to be turned off with a staff member's badge card. Understood?"

I nod silently, struggling to not roll my eyes at him.

Does he seriously think I'm stupid?

"Alright, good. I'll leave you alone in here for now. You will be brought out for dinner later. If we have a medication sorted out for you by then, you will be taking that at that time as well."

The staff member scans his badge card before opening the door, closing it hastily. I watch through the window of the door as he speed walks to one of the other staff members, visibly tense after seeing me.

I feel an unexpected tap on my shoulder and I slightly jolt, quickly turning around to see the source. Once I see Y/N standing before me, though, I immediately relax, my eyes softening and my heartbeat slowing back to a normal rate.

Oh, it's him. Good.

"Hey, baby."

Hearing Y/N's voice, I weakly smile for the first time in hours. Serotonin flows through my body at the sight & sound of him in the room with me, every bit of frustration I felt earlier disintegrating  at his presence.


Y/N climbs into the bed, laying himself down on his back. He lightly pats his chest in invitation, beckoning me over with a wave of his hand.

"C'mere, baby."

I happily nod, my smile widening at the idea. I climb into the bed, carefully straddling Y/N's lap. I wrap my arms around him, laying my head on his chest. I audibly sigh in relief, finally feeling like I'm able to relax.

"That's it, baby. Just relax for me."

I hum softly in content at the idea, a soft blush appearing on my cheeks when Y/N kisses my forehead. He begins to lightly run his fingers through my hair. I smile against his chest as he gently twirls the strands between his fingers, his nails lightly tracing along my scalp.

My body becomes more pliant against Y/N's as he pulls me closer into his embrace, murmuring sweet nothings into my ears. His touch and his voice make me calm like nothing else has ever been able to, euphoria coursing through my body. This feeling is one I have very quickly become addicted to over the past few weeks.

Wait... Addicted?

I realize what's starting to happen to me, reality beginning to hit me all at once.

I lost all of my friends. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. My parents are worried about me. I'm staying in a damn asylum.

My eyes quickly begin to well up with tears, my eyes stinging. A lump forms in my throat, pitiful sobs threatening to force themselves out.

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