Shopping (fluff + angst)

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FluffBunWifuu request


I walk into the store with my grocery list in hand, ready to get the stuff I need and leave. A lady at the front of the store approaches me and gently pats my shoulder.

"Hello, sir. Where is the deli section? I've never been here before and don't know my way around."

"Oh, it's toward the back. It's next to the bread section, you can't miss it."

"Thank you!"

She goes off to what I assume is the deli section and I start heading toward the carts so I can start shopping.

I look through the shelves of the canned food isle and feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see a woman looking up at me.

"Did you need something?"

"Okay, first off, don't talk to your customers that way. You will call me 'ma'am', as I am a paying customer asking for your help."

I get a puzzled expression on my face and try to speak up, but am quickly cut off.

"But I don't work he-"

"Anyway, where is the canned sauerkraut? I need it for dinner tonight."

"I'm not exactly sure. I don't work here and I don't usually shop here."

"Of course you work here, your shirt color matches the other workers! Now, just tell me where it is."

"I don't know. I'd say it's probably in this isle somewhere since this is the canned goods isle."

"But where is it?"

"I don't know. I don't work here."

She scoffs and looks at me.

"I'm going to go to your manager and get you fired!"

I respond, in total disbelief.

"How would I get 'fired' if I don't work here?"

"Is there a manager in here?!"

I sigh to myself and just move on to the next isle to get flour & sugar. I hear a couple arguing next to me and plug my earbuds in to listen to music & tune everything else out.

I grab the flour and sugar and head over to dairy to get other basic baking necessities that I've run out of. I feel tiny hands grab at the cord of my earbuds and pull them out, giggling hysterically. I sigh to keep my reaction to a minimum and look at the kid, speaking as calmly and rationally as I can.

"Please don't pull at my earbuds like that. It could break them and it hurt my ears."

"Well, my mommy said you're not supposed to wear them in the store and she said I could do that."

"Who's your mommy, kid?"

"That's her over there."

I look to where the kid is pointing and see the woman who claimed I was a worker and yelled for a manager to 'fire' me.

I just silently roll my eyes and move to the meat section to get away from them again. I put my earbuds back in and grab the various meat products I need and feel a hand on my shoulder.

At my wits end, I have to take a deep breath as to not lose my mind in the middle of the grocery store. I turn around and take out one of my earbuds.


I see a professional-looking woman with a "manager" sticker on her name tag and realize what happened.

Oh God, here we go.

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