Romance Isn't Dead (fluff)

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This Valentine's Day story is dedicated to my lovely partner, FluffBunWifuu . Happy (early) Valentine's Day <3


"I'm gonna go home, (boss). My shift just ended."

"Alright, Y/N. See you in a few days."

With that, I walk out the back door (hey, you wanna come in?) and through the parking lot, approaching my car. I unlock the car and step inside, starting the car and driving away.

I can't wait to get home and spend time with C/N. I'm exhausted.

I turn onto the main road, glancing at the buildings on the sides. Family-owned restaurant, small grocery store, gas station, florist...

Wait, a florist? Now would be a good time for me to get flowers for C/N. I know I already gave him stuff this morning, but it's an extra gift for Valentine's Day. I'm sure he'll like it.

I find a random driveway to turn around in, driving in the direction of the florist. Once I arrive, I pull into the small parking lot and find a space. I turn the car off and step out, walking inside.

"Hello! Welcome in. If you need any help, don't hesitate to let me know. Okay, honey?"

I hear the elderly lady's greeting and smile warmly, nodding in understanding.

"I will. Thank you, ma'am."

I begin wandering about the isles, searching for the perfect flowers for a Valentine's Day bouquet. I look through every type of flower, reading about their meanings and what they symbolize.

Baby's breath - everlasting love.

I like that one.

I grab a few of those and continue on, trying to look at cards for any with more unique meanings. A few moments later, I see a type of flower with an uncommon meaning.

Camellia - you're adorable

I see the words on the card and immediately grab some. I decide to grab some white ones, seeing as they would fit more with the bouquet I have built so far.

These are perfect.

Chrysanthemum (red) - I love you.

That would be a good one to add. I'll get that one, too.

I grab a few red chrysanthemums and keep walking. I smile to myself, glancing around the room until I notice another type.

Morning glory - affection

I like these, too.

I look through the color selection and decide to grab some red ones, putting them into the armful I've gathered. In the next isle over, I notice another kind with a meaning that catches my attention.

Salvia (red) - forever mine

This seems fitting. I'll get some of these, as well.

I grab a few red salvias and put them in the pile, deciding I've grabbed enough. I approach the lady at the counter, smiling.

"Can you please make a bouquet out of these?"

"Of course, honey. Here, hand them to me."

I nod and give them to her, watching as she expertly makes them into a beautiful bouquet.

She really knows what she's doing.

She hands the bouquet to me. I begin pulling my wallet out and she stops me, giving me a warm smile.

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