Theatre Kiss (lime)

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Shit shit I'm so late for rehearsal. I'm late.

I rush into the building and practically slam the door behind me. I run into the room and try to explain.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, director. I was stuck in traffic and when I went to go some guy rammed into the side of my car, so I had to deal with that. I realized I was close enough that I could just run here, so here I am."

"Y/N you're totally fine. You couldn't help it. Go ahead and sit over there next to C/N."

C/N is sitting in a chair looking like a nervous wreck.

I sit next to him and feel a hand slide next to mine. I look over and see C/N bouncing his leg and picking at the skin around his nails.

Concerned, I hold one of his hands to try and prevent him from picking his skin.

"Hey, you're gonna be alright, C/N. Wanna talk about what's wrong? You seem really anxious."

C/N looks at me with wide eyes and looks at the wall.

"It's okay if not. I don't mind."

"Can we wait until we get a break in a few minutes please, Y/N..?"

I nod and make sure to keep holding his hand. 20 minutes pass by, and the director calls for a 10 minute break. We go our seperate ways to do as we wish within that time period.

C/N practically brings me into a different room and looks at me with a doe-eyed expression.

"Y/N, you know a lot about theatre right?"

I nod and keep listening.

"Is there a way to kiss someone onstage without actually kissing them?"

I think for a second and turn to him.

"Yeah, there is a way to do that. Do you want me to show you, C/N?"

He frantically nods and looks at me desperately.

"Please. I have to kiss this one girl in the show and I really don't wanna kiss her. Nothing against her, she just really isn't my type. Neither is really any girl. I'm not sure what's wrong with me, but I just really don't wanna kiss her. I hope that makes-"

"C/N, are you gay?"

I see a glimpse of panic in his eyes so I quickly reassure him.

"I won't be upset at all. I'm just checking. And if you don't feel comfortable you don't have to tell me."

A few moments pass and C/N slowly nods.

"You're not gonna be upset, Y/N?"

"Honey, have you seen me? I'm probably the gayest guy you'll ever meet, at least around here. I'm just glad I'm not the only one."

His eyes just light up. I struggle not to smile in adoration at his cuteness. He throws his arms around me into a hug. I can feel him grin into the hug.

"You alright, C/N?"

He nods into me and keeps holding onto me.

"You still want me to teach you the theatre kiss?"

I feel him stop and look up at me.

"Yeah, I still want you to teach me. How am I supposed to kiss someone onstage without actually kissing them, Y/N?"

"Okay, so here's what you do. First, you put a hand on their cheek. Like this."

I put a hand on C/N's cheek gently.

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