Leg Day (lemon/fluff)

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I start my new job as a personal trainer today. I've never done anything in this field, so I'm excited. My first client is—


Him? C/N? I never would have thought he'd need a personal trainer. He's hot enough the way he is. I MEAN—

"Hey uh, is this the right place?"

I turn around and see C/N. I can't help but go red as a tomato.

"Oh y-yeah."

Pull it together Y/N.

"I'm your personal trainer, Y/N. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, though I think we've met before. Haven't we?"

Shit shit shit he recognized me from—

"You're that one guy from TikTok right? The one who makes all the thirst traps and the music?"

Oh that's so much worse.

"Oh yeah, that's me."

I had no idea he follows me there. What the fuck am I supposed to do? I see him look up at me again.

"Wait, I feel like I know you from somewhere else too."

Oh no.

"Y/N? From high school? It's been a few years man, how you been?"

He isn't mad at me?

"Yeah, that's also me. I've been doing okay."

"Yeah sorry about the friends I had back then. They were total douche canoes."

That's a huge shock. I wonder what happened.

"They were?"

"Yeah. They made fun of you to your face. I definitely should have stopped them, but I've gotten a lot better now. It's nice to see that you've had a huge glow up since high school ended."

Oh my God he complimented me. He said that I look good? I— oh no I'm red again.

"You okay Y/N? You're all red. Need a water bottle? I packed a few for this session."

"N-no thanks. I'm okay. It's just hot in here I guess."


He doesn't actually seem to be okay. I'm a bit worried about him, but I shrug it off.


He looks around kinda frantic and looks at me.

"Oh yeah we need to get to the session. What you wanna work on today?"

Oh right the session. I forgot.

"Legs. I had a leg injury a few years back and now it's back to normal finally. I just have to gain some strength back in it, and I'm not sure how."

He writes some things down in a notebook and nods.

"Okay, so legs?"

"Yes. Legs."

"Any restrictions related to the injury?"

"Not anymore. That's why I'm here."

"Alrighty, head over here with me then."

I help him up and head over to the machine he's bringing me to, and I realize he and I are still holding hands.

I probably freaked him out. Oops.

"Sorry, I just realized I'm still holding your hand."

He goes red again.

Is he sick? I hope not.

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