Part 52

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Arshi FF: Lusty Love ‐ Ek Benaam Ashiqui
Part 52
Arnav : what did you just say ? ( Arnav yelled in shock as Khushi walked to him as she rubbed his forearms )
Khushi : I know ... It would be shocking for you to believe but  Thakur Saheb ... Your Mother has suffered so much all these years silently ..and You all have mistaken her .. ( Khushi gulped the lump forming inside her as she glanced up at her husband who just rooted at the spot )
Arnav : Who told you ? That Woman ... Khushi have not I said you earlier not to believe people so easily .. They can be turned out dangerous for meeting their own selfish needs
Khushi : Thakur Saheb It's not others but It's your mother about whom we are speaking about ..  I don't know but I have seen the pain in her eyes .. and It cannot be lie  Thakur Sahib ...
Arnav : what you want to say ? What I have face all through out my childhood was lie ?  All just years after she came suddenly declaring herself a victim of a nasty joke that fate plays with her ..
Khushi opened her mouth to say something but then let out a sigh seeing him glaring at her
Khushi : I will still suggest you to Go and talk with her .. If What she is saying Thakur Sahib turned out to be truth ..then we are in a Big Maze ... ( she just whispers making Arnav just rolled his eyes and walked out of there )
Arnav just  groaned in anger, as he puncjed the punching bag .. He is being in the exercise room since last one hour and was taking out his frustration on the Silly Bag ..... The Words were echoing in his ears and it was piercing his heart .. Darn !! Why does he allowimg all these to effect him .. This Woman why she suddenly have to come back in their life .... And How Dare She is to make up stories when Everyone knows her truth ..How She has left them running away .... But What if what Khushi is saying turned out to be truth .. He cannot totally accept his father as genuine when he knows that Arvind Singh Raizada has lot of buggage to carry around .. His Father is not himself a saint at all ...
There is a war between his heart and mind ..He don't know whom to listen and whom  not to ..
His chain of thoughts were broken by Arushi and his wife shrill cry ..and he couldn't stop himself running out of the room checking what is wrong with these two ..
Arnav : What's wrong ..( He halted  in his place looking at his daughter who is now sitting on the kitchen floor being all covered in flour ) How did this happen ..
Khushi : Your daughter did it ...
Arnav : Ohh My daughter can do all these on her own ..whom are you joking around ... she is just few month old
Khushi : HP did it ..
Arnav : HP is no where to be found in this scene
Khushi pouts as she picks the little toddler in her arms who instantly slammed her tiny palms on her mother's face making angry sounf
Khushi : you laadgovernor ka pilla .. ( She showed her daughter eyes but she is Arushi Singh Raizada .. Noticing her father around her she instantly leans towards her father as Arnav sighed picking up her in his arms )
Arnav : I will later talk to you on this ... but my daughter needs a clean up .. You are a Cartoon Khushi ..and you are making her One as well ( Arnav Sighed as he walked towards the room with his daughter who is shaking her head )
Khushi smiled glancing at the father and daughter duo ..and patted her shoulder .. She herself has bathed her daughter with flour .. knowing that only Arushi can ease up his mood now ..
Khushi yawned as she stretched her arms while sitting on the bed only to find Arushi  still awake and was busy with her father while in his arms  ..
Khushi : She is not going to Sleep today .. Hey Devi Mayia ... I haven't sleep for so many nights .. ( she pouts dramatically )
Arnav just shook his head and keep on patting Arushi while pacing around the room ...
Arnav : Khushi  Can you send  me her address .. ( He asked as he put Arushi on the bed as she slept off after having a good bedtime with her father )
Khushi : Who ? ( she scrunched her eyebrows as she placed the quilt on her before she kissed her forehead deepening her sleep )
Arnav : Mrs Ratna Bajaj ... I will meet her once .. ( Khushi's eyes opened wide in shock as she gulped down curiousity forming inside her throat) Thete is nothing to predict .. It's just I want to speak with her once before  reaching to the conclusion ... But that does not change my openion about her..
Khushi : It's the right decision you have taken Thakur Sahib .. I am sending you the address .. You both should sit and talk ..
Arnav : There is nothing to talk Khushi ... I don't understand why I am doing this Seems ... Sangat ka asar hai.   ( Khushi opened  her mouth in shock before she hit him with a pillow ) Behave Khushi .. Arushi is sleeping if she wakes up .. I am going to make you  be with her all the night
Khushi : Thakur Sahib that is not fair ... ( she pouts )
Khushi : Do you get to know about Akki ? Where is he ?
Arnav : I have no idea Khushi .. But We have withdraw all our financial support from him .. I cannot believe  that out of everyone My brother ..My own brother can be so venemonous .. Where do I go wrong Khushi ..
Khushi : you have no fault .. You did try to never  left him lack behind on  anything .. Something is beyond our Control ..  ( She said patting his shoulder )
Arnav : Khushi you have to come with me to the office today ..I had told you yesterday .. Things are needed to be sorted out is getting out of control now ..
Khushi : chinta mat kijiye ... everything would fall in place but right now ..we should be going to Ratna Maa's place
Arnav : I didn't yet consider that woman as my mother and you started calling her as your Sasumaa ..
Khushi : whatever .. Did I ever listen to you .. Listen we need to go now ..
Arnav just roamed his eyes around the living room as he sat on the couch with Khushi and Arushi on her lap ...
Mr. Bajaj was the one who have greeted them along with Ratna who was fumbling with wordd
Bajaj : I am glad  that you have considered coming here .. Arnav .. Your mother really starve all these years for this day .. Atleast you came here forgetting all the grudges
Arnav : Grudges .. What  Grudges you are speaking about .. I don't know what your wife has brainwashed Khushi that she ate up all the words that have been fed to her ... But I am not a fool to come in your buttery talks ...
Ratna : chotte .. please you are thinking me wrong .. Khushi what did you say to him ... Why ?
Khushi : why shouldn't I .. He keeps hating you all these years without any fault of yours .. He should know when he was busy in hating you .. How you are spending your life
Arnav : Khushi Shut up .. You are speaking much than your age .... This is what for which you came along with me ... Don't be a fool .. Everyone knows how she have betrayed her family Not only that she didn't hesitate throwing her  new born baby at our door step for her  own selfish needs ...When she cannot use her tricks on me she started using her ways on you ..knowing that you would be fool easily. .. Bloody Slut ( He hissed in anger, before he felt a burning sensation on his cheeks making Arnav just looked up at hiim angrily ... Mr Rishab Bajaj has slapped him , How dare he is ... )
Khushi covered her mouth by her palm and gulped down seeing the tension arising in the situation
Bajaj: enough is Enough !! I am Sorry Ratna that I raised my hand on your son but I couldn't stop myself doing that .. ( He glared at Arnav who clenched his fist ) Is this what you are proud of your son ? Mr Arnav Singh Raizada you are standing in my house and the woman you are defaming is my wife and your mother don't forget that ..
Arnav : Mother The same mother who never thought twice before ruining  his children's childhood
Bajaj : Are you really this dumb ..or you pretend to be .. Ratna ... Just look at him ?  What did you find in him ? Did he the Chotte you always talked about ? And you  Mr. Raizada believes everyone except your mother .. Just asked me how have she spent all these years in turmoil .. You know what was her fault that she have trusted your father and tried to keep her household intact .. She doesn't let any harm to you nor let you understand what was going there in the palace ..wish she xould have make a stand for herself then today you won't be standing here calling your mother a Slut ..
Ratna : Mr Bajaj leave it
Bajaj : You just keep quiet .. I have never intrude into your personal space but this is enough  He cannot just come and disrespect you i cannot take it .. You don'T believe me .. Wait .. ( He rushed out from there and came back with few file ) It's have Ratna's report ..... Dekhlo ...
Arnav just glanced at the file before he opened it and started flipping the page ... His hand started shivvering readinv the content ..
Arnav : Maa .. ( He whispers as he fell infront of Ratna's knees with a sheet cry )
To be contd

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