part 29

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I have been coming to see Freen but always get same response for over a week. Now I'm beginning to get worried.
"Is she alright? Why hasn't she been in the office all these while? Did she get sick? Should I visit her at home to know why?" I keep asking myself. I was forced to ask her secretary whether she's alright but she said she has no idea why she's been absent. Maybe I should visit her. But won't that make it worst? I'm sure she already hates me now probably for dating Nita.

Speaking of Nita, she has been acting strange lately. She even launched a design that looks exactly like Freen's two days ago. I will still ask her about it anytime we see. Right now all I want to know is whether Freen is alright. I called her friend Nam, she sounded off. She only said Freen is alright without caring to tell me why she's been off for days.

Today I decided to check again, I walked into their unit and asked the secretary whether she's here, this time she smiled happily. Maybe there's a good news. She just nodded and said I should go in to meet her. I let out a sigh of relief. She's finally here, thank God she's okay. I walked nervously to the door and knocked. She yelled at me to come in, Gosh She's not in a good mood this morning.

I opened the door anxiously, she's as beautiful as always. We locked eyes for a few seconds. She's not taking her eyes off me and I'm not willing to do so either as i don't know where else to look. She finally asked me to sit down which I did. What happened to her? She lost weight a little. Her face is swollen a bit but she still looks gorgeous. I became numb not knowing what to do or say again. I just wish I can hold her. I want to hold her.

"I heard you've been coming?" She finally broke the silence

"Yeah. Are you alright? You've been off...." I am finally talking. I want to make sure she's good but she cut me off

"I'm fine." She simply said. and everywhere became silent again. She's going through a file. I think that's my file as I can see a form I filled with my passport there.

"Let me have your letter" she said. I know she hates me now. She's so cold to me. This isn't the Freen I left at that wine shop. Maybe she doesn't love me anymore. I was a bit hesitant but she pulled out her hand to take the letter. I quickly handed it to her. She opened and went through it. After which she dropped it in my file together with my other documents there and closed it.

"According to the contract you signed. This company must first approve your resignation before you can leave. If you leave without it being approved, we will sue you. I believe you know that." She said coldly. Her beautiful eyes on me, making me nervous again. I just nodded as I can't speak at the moment.

"You know that right?" She repeated.

"Yes I do" I voiced out.

"Good" she simply said and started using her computer.

Does it mean I should leave the office and go back to work until it's approved? When will it be approved? Why is she silent? I don't know what next to do now. We stayed like that for about 20 minutes before she said.

"I'll approve that but not now. I have a client who's interested in the new models because of the success of the first project. You're one of them. I'll be stupid to let you go now. I'll sign that after the tour with my client. The details will be explained to you in your unit" she said still going through her computer.

I became speechless. A part of me is happy. At least I'll get to still see her. I keep looking and admiring her. Her lips are so inviting. I've missed biting them. I badly want to kiss her but I can't. It's over between us and I already have a girlfriend. After another minutes of silence she said.

"Is there other reason why you're still here Miss Armstrong?" She asked and looked at me. Her face is cold. I can't read her mood now. We are back to the Boss I used to know. No smile at all on her face.

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