part 27

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I woke up in the morning with Nita sleeping close to me. I quickly jumped out of the bed. What? What happened. Thank God I'm still dressed but what is she doing here? Did she sleep over here? Why didn't she go home? I was a bit confused when she suddenly woke up.

"How are you feeling this morning?" she asked.

"Uhm I didn't know you slept over." I answered while ignoring the question

"I couldn't leave you last night. You were running temperature all through the night." She said touching my forehead to check if I'm okay.

"Your fever is down now. Do you still feel like going to hospital?" She asked worriedly.

"Uhm, no I'm fine now"

"Alright, I will leave you now. I have to rush home to prepare for work. I have something important to do today at the office. Call me if anything comes up" she said and wore her blazer.

"Thank you so much for taking care of me." I said. She just nodded and left the room.

After freshening up, I walked downstairs to meet Irene and grandma looking at me worriedly. Did they see Nita leaving?

"She slept over?" Irene asked in shock

"It's not what you think. She only passed the night here just to take care of me."

"Take care of you? Are you not feeling fine?" My Grandma asked getting worried

"I'm fine ma, I just had a night fever. But I'm all good now" I said. While sitting for breakfast.

"How was your meeting with Freen?" Irene asked suddenly.  Hearing that name feels like I've been stabbed at heart. It took me back to last night. Now I feel guilty over everything. I shouldn't have left her like that. I can't get over her facial expressions. I know she loves me but I am trying to put myself first now.

"It went well" I answered without wanting to tell her the details but she kept staring at me expecting more from me.

"I broke up with her" I said.

"And how do you feel now?" My grandma asked.

"I don't feel good at all. It will stop hurting some day right?" I asked her. She just nodded and massaged my hand.

"I'll be going to the office to submit my resignation letter" I added

"You still want to quit?" Irene asked. She's totally against me quiting the job. She doesn't know it's more hard on me but I've decided to do this.

"Yes. I have a new job now. I can't work in two places" I replied trying my best to put on a smile. Few minutes later the breakfast was ready and we all ate in silence.

I walked inside our building and everybody was looking at me. I already know why, Freen's action that day was so obvious that even the blind would see and understand what was going on. Some were whispering and looking at me, others were just standing in shock. I walked into my unit and the silence became worst. I didn't know how to react as I've come to carry my belongings. They were all looking at me making me uncomfortable. I was packing my stuffs when someone spoke. I turned it was Yha.

"You're finally here Becky. It's been weeks you were absent. Thank God Boss hasn't said anything about firing you yet." She said. But I only smiled.

"Our new project did well. We are having lots of clients now. Good job to you and others" she continued. But I remained silent.

"Why are you packing your stuffs. I can help you clean your table if you don't have any use for these anymore" she said trying to help me. She probably thought I'm trashing them replace with new ones.

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