Part 2

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It's already late at night and I haven't had any sleep yet. Well maybe because I'm still nervous or because I have a flight to catch up very early tomorrow morning.

The weather in England is great and as I lie on bed staring at the ceiling I keep thinking about Thailand and how my journey would be. Will I like it there? How are the people there? Are they friendly? How am I going to cope living with my grandma since I have no other relative there?

My family moved to England when I was little, still in my elementary school. I don't remember much about Thailand except for few fading memories. Like how my brother, Richie, and I used to play in the store room. Also my childhood friend and neighbor who used to visit us at home. We wrote to each other but she suddenly stopped writing to me. Right now I don't know whether I can recognize her if I see her again. Grandma said they moved few years ago.

My interview is next week. Thank God I made it this far. I can't wait. It has always been my dream to become a model. And here we are just one step away from achieving my dream. This company is top one in Thailand and top 5 in the whole of Asia. But what if I don't get selected?? I am so nervous.

I need to clear my dad's debt. My dad suddenly got bankrupt. Till today we can't point out where the fault came from or how it happened. To survive the business my dad borrowed money from banks and companies but still couldn't save it. That left us with debts of millions of dollars. The only property we have is our house and they are threatening to take it from us.

My brother works in cooperate firm in the day and in a bar at night. And of course some sleep overs at women's houses during weekend to make more money. And who blames him?? Situation happened. I am the only one in the family that knows about his lifestyle and midnight works. He has been helpful especially since mum got sick. He's been taking care of her medical treatments.

I struggled to graduate and here I am about to take another step into my career. I need this job more than I need air to survive. I was in my thoughts, thinking about everything until I fell asleep.


"Good morning baby. sit quickly. You need to eat before heading to the airport" my mum said dishing out the food.

"Good morning mum" I greeted and headed to the chair.

"Where is dad?" I asked looking around.

"He will join us soon, he went to grab something from his room"

"Mum, I told you not to bother about my breakfast. I can get something outside. It's too early for you and your health is more important"

"Nothing is more important than seeing my baby pursuing her dreams. I can't wait to see you on TV screen my baby girl" she walks towards me and pecked me on my forehead.

"Of course we will see her on the Screen soon. I believe in her so much. She will make us proud." My dad said while walking down the stairs.

"Dad I am still nervous. I don't know whether I will be selected. Considering that I don't have any relevant experience in the industry." I said worriedly.

"Believe in yourself my baby. See, you passed the first, second and third stage even without your experience and this is the last stage. You shouldn't belittle yourself. Where is your confidence?? You're an Armstrong baby, we are known to be confident and strong in every situation. Now eat. Richie said he will be here in the next 20 mins to drive you to the airport." My dad said while bringing my plate close to me.

"And maybe this time, we will get to see you bring a girl home to us" my mum said while smiling naughtily at me.

"A girl? Mum that's absurd" I shouted.

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