part 18

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Today is the first day of resuming work. It's been a week after the whole drama at the garden. Nita has been trying tirelessly to get more close to me. She visits me often and never fails to say hello to Grandma. They are pretty getting along well. I wish I can transfer whatever I feel for Freen to her but I can't, even though I haven't seen nor heard from her since that day I can't help but think about her and keep wishing we can be together. I held on to the bedroom memories I have with her. It hurts but I can't just let her out of my mind easily.

Irene never gets tired of shipping me with Nita. As if it's easy to switch my feelings. Speaking of Irene, she's been zoning out often these days. I have already told her to go talk to Heng because it's obvious she misses him. I remember the last conversation we had:

"You should go and see Heng. You're hurting yourself by doing this" I said

"He is just like Freen. They enjoy hurting people's feelings..."

"Hey don't say that about Heng, as long as I know he likes you too. He's nothing like Freen."

"Haven't you heard the saying that 'An accomplice of crime is also a criminal'?" She said raising her eyebrows

"I am not stupid Irene. I know that wasn't the only reason you pushed him away" I said calmly. She was silent.

"Tell me, what happened" I asked

"He's a divorcee Becky"

"I'm sure he told you that at the initial stage. It wasn't a problem then, why is it a problem now?" I asked more confused.

"His wife..."

"Ex-wife " I corrected her

"His ex wants to file a court case against him, that might get him jailed"

"What?" I shouted

"I need to stop whatever we are doing before it gets too late for me. I'm already loving him more than I should everyday. So ending things now is better for the both of us" Irene said almost in tears.

"For you alone Irene. Have you considered how he's feeling right now?" She was mute.

"Did you tell him this? That this is why you can't be together?" I asked

"Not directly. But I never accepted him from the beginning. I tried pushing him away severally but he kept coming. Just when I decided to give him the chance, he showed me that he has the same mindset as Freen. I mean he even tried blaming you for falling in love with Freen" she said.

"Don't you blame me too?" I asked. She looked at me in surprise.

"Becky....." she called me warmly. Still surprised.

"Even I too blame myself for doing that. I mean the handwriting was clear on the wall. But I ignored them all"


"Irene I don't want you to hurt yourself just because of me. Heng is not like that. Don't vent out your frustration on this innocent man. If you love him, go for it and fight together with him in court. He needs you now more" I said.

She was quiet and suddenly started sobbing. I hugged her tightly as she cried in my arm.


Since I can walk now on my own without the help of the crutches. I decided to resume immediately besides we are working on our first project. Finally my family will get to see me on the TV screen.

"Hello Miss Armstrong. My name is Yha, I'll be working with you as your new manager" she said while stretching out her hand for a handshake. 

Yeah, I forgot to say we have managers now. While I was away they assigned managers to us. There are a lot of things I missed while I was away. But I'll try to catch up soon. I stretched my hand into a handshake with her.

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