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"Hey" I said and threw her clothes at her.

"Get dressed and leave. it's morning already. You have a presentation today and you don't want to be late". I said heading to the bathroom.

"Come on sweety, how many times have I told you to stop pushing me away every morning after spending the night together. you hurt me you know" she said following me to the bathroom.

she got in the bathtub and sat facing me. Her eyes are on me with a little smile on her face.

"when are you going to take our relationship to the next step?" she asked with a calm voice.

"Kim, we are not in a relationship. We are just having fun..." I said while raising my eyebrows.

"Come on Freen" she cut me off.

"We have been in this for over a year now, does that mean you still haven't felt something for me all these while? or you don't think I'm still worthy of your love?" she asked with a sad voice.

"We agreed to go with the flow. and if we meet someone we love tomorrow, we end it right away. didn't we? we both hate love and tired of getting pushed to blind dates by our parents that we decided to do this. why have you changed all of a sudden?" I asked confusedly.

"It's because I love you Freen. I have developed feelings for you along the line. and you can't deny that you haven't noticed that yet..."

"I think we are done here Kim, you need to hurry up. I have meeting by 7" I said with a cold tone.

I got out of the bathtub. grabbed my towel and left the bathroom.

"Hurry up!!" I said as I got to the bedroom and she followed me.

"Freen please, let's put an effort into making this relationship work. Our parents will be proud of us. Your mum has always loved and has already accepted me as her daughter in law. She has always supported our relationship from the beginning. And she will be happy to have us married right away...." She said.

"Call it a relationship once more and you won't see me again" I cut her off while looking at her fiercely.

She was mute for some minutes. I know she was hurt by what I said but who cares? I mean we made it clear from the beginning about what we wanted. I just want to have fun without any fear of commitment. And I have been enjoying it so far. I go to club whenever I like, I pick up any girl of my choice, and no one questions me.

Kim on the other hand does the same. I mean, we met in a club, we have (I thought we did) same view about life, and we share common interest. We talked about us that night while we got high together, we had sex yeah and we enjoyed each other, in the morning we decided to reach an agreement just so our parents would give us some breathing space.

The fight I had with my mum that night I met Kim is still fresh in my memory. She slapped me in the presence of her house help, and for what? For not wanting to settle down. Yes I am 29 years old and will soon be 30, and so what?? I have my own business that is doing credibly well, I am top 1 in the business industry and have extended internationally. What else do I need? A man? A woman? I don't need any.

My mum knows I'm not interested in men thank God she isn't against that as she spent all her life in the United States but what she is against is me not planning on settling down. Whenever she asks me about my life, I only tell her about my business which is not what she wants to hear. I have never introduced any girl to her. Well except Kim and that was after she had disturbed and pushed me into torns of blind dates.

That night I got angry and headed to the club, I wanted to drink like never before but suddenly a girl, offered to pay for my next shot. And from there we started talking. Her dad owns the biggest hotel in China and also in Thailand. Who doesn't know the Channarong family? She was also under pressure by her dad to get married but just like me, we just wanted to have fun. We both decided to be friends with benefits while pretending to be couple around our parents.

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