XXIX - Game

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Being confronted by the owner of the Academy about my habit of skipping school, should have been enough to make me stop.

"But no."

Due to the information the hunters had given me yesterday, my mind was all over the place. I came late on purpose once again just to avoid seeing any of my dear lycan friends.

Fortunately by now, I was able to memorise my classes.

Each one of my steps were slow and heavy. I made sure to stop and thoroughly admire every painting on the wall in the hallways.

The polished wood looked extra polished today.


I paused and my head flinched awkwardly.

"What are you doing looking at a wall?"

"What are you doing not looking at a wall?" I retorted, mentally cursing at how impeccable Loki's timing was.

He gave me a dead look as he walked towards me.

"Our uniform suits you better rather than this.." He told me as I turned to face him. "Material." I notice his eyes linger on my red blazer.

The red easily matching the colour of his own ruby eyes.

"I looked dead in your uniform, no offense." I replied. He shrugged and raised his eyebrows.

"I heard you left the Academy yesterday. Duke said it had something to do with the princess. You girls have bad blood?" He rambles.

I sighed, knowing Duke was smart enough to see through my lies.

"No. It was nothing." I tell Loki.

"For some reason, I seriously doubt that." He said with no particular interest, head tilted as he watched me. I rolled my eyes, attempting to walk away.

My attempt was cut short as I was harshly dragged by Loki, crashing right into the wall. Getting the air knocked right out of me.

As I coughed, struggling to breath. My eyes watched Loki grab this man's wrist and collar. Pinning him down to the floor.

A knife dropping to the ground.

I slid down the wall in aching pain, making eye contact with the stranger.

Only to realize he wasn't a stranger at all.

I looked over to the knife and touched the sharp point. My finger tip instantly receiving a burn.


"Marcus?!" I practically yelled.

"You know this stray?" Loki asked as he effortlessly kept down Marcus on the floor.

"Yes." I choked out, trying to swallow down the pain. "My pack's future Beta."

Who's also Sailor's best friend.

"I'm no expert but I thought packs are meant to be like your second family."

Marcus scoffed under Loki's strength and spoke, "You think you can consider yourself apart of our pack after murdering him? You're nothing but a traded and used slave Athena." Marcus hissed through gritted teeth as he struggled against Loki's hold.

The angered vampire lifted up Marcus and slammed him back down.

"Watch what you say, mutt." Loki threatened the breathless future Beta, his accent making an appearance.

Soon enough the guards finally caught onto what was happening. Rushing to the scene, only to pull Loki away and threaten him with their weapons.

I laid my head against the wall, sighing in disappointment. I couldn't defend Loki, I could barely speak nor breathe.

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