XXXIX - Del Luna

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- Third POV -

Del Luna means "the moon / of the moon." But here its just the name of the event.

Nicholas waited patiently.

His head laid in Athena's lap, while all he could think of was how lovely she looked in gold. Even with the little stains of blood. Nicholas didn't mind as long as it wasn't her own.

All his senses was focused on her, wholeheartedly.

Hearing the little hiccups between her heartbreaking sobs. And the few coping moments of laughter that would escape.

Feeling her hand hold onto him ever so tightly as if she was trying to be his lifeline.

The scent of her natural aroma overwhelmed the blood and iron all over her. Nicholas blocked out every other scent and tried to relish in the scents of roses, rain and sweet candy. Like he did everytime he had picked up her trail in school.

He could taste her tears, as very few would fall onto his lips as he kept on a faint smile. Trying to make sure Athena wouldn't become more upset with the image of him in agony.

Taking in every single one of her features for as long as he could. Nicholas wondered if she would grant him one more kiss, the only thing that could distract him from the next chapter.

Nicholas waited patiently.

He waited for a single change in her heartbeat. A skipped beat, a slower rate or a faster one. But nothing changed as he admired her.

It was his final reassurance that Athena will be okay.

But something in him always knew that Athena would be fine without him. The only thing that broke his heart was not the dagger currently in him but the fact they were no longer mates.

The very thing he held onto so much.

The one thing he had above Altheo when it came to Athena.

Athena shook her head frantically, unwilling to accept their ending.

She always wanted to fight for her future but it seemed like her future ended right in front of her.

She sobbed so much that a blood vessel had popped in her eye. The sight frightened Nicholas a tad bit.

Athena wanted to tell Nicholas to stop smiling at her. It didn't seem fitting in the situation that all he could do was smile at her distraught.

At some point, Athena calmed down. And so did Nicholas.

Except they calmed down for different reasons.

His senses were no longer focused on her.

Or anything.

Athena rested her forehead on Nick's, imagining they were only skipping class together out in the school field.

She granted him that one last kiss.

Hoping that his soul would appreciate the very last gesture she could do for Nicholas.

The dagger wasn't enough to harm a lycan but wolfbane was. The poison eventually got to Nicholas's heart and took his heartbeat away.

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