IV - Business

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Another day at this school and I'm already sick of it.

I let Azula out for a run in the woods before school. My wolf was grey with pale red ears, paws and tail.

I nearly ran into pack territory. I saw two werewolves in wolf form clearly flirting.

Which reminds me.

My 18th birthday is coming up in a few months. I would be meeting my mate soon.

The thought of finding a mate is just pure excitement and fear. It could easily be one of those possesive freaks. Or worse a merciless Alpha.

I shudder at the numerous thoughts in my head. And continue walking to the Academy.

Luckily school was just around the corner, it'll be sure to distract me.

Screeching sounds appear. I look to my right and see a car stopping right in front of me.

I'm really bad at noticing things.

"Can't you watch where your going?" The guy yells at me, parking his car on the side of the road.

"Can't you see I was crossing the road?!?" I yell back. The guy gets out of the car and my mouth slightly drops.

It's Mr Supremo.

I may or may not have forgotten his name.

"It's you again," He says walking to me. "I'm not surprised." He adds, taking his sunglasses off.

I scoff, the sun blinding my left eye. I look at him, squinting, waiting for him to say what he needs to.

"What do you want?" I ask getting impatient.

"For you to start being socially aware." He says as if I couldn't understand english.

"You know what, I'm not dealing with this right now." I say walking away to school.

I hear him yell some other things but I can't seem to process the words.


Since I arrived at school a little early, I decided to explore the school garden.

The whole area looked like a hedge maze.

I manage to find the middle, I think. It was very spacious. There was a willow tree in the middle. Various types of flowers were spread out.

It was like a scene from a fairytale.

I checked my phone, there's still thirty minutes until class starts. So with no other plans, I place my bag down on the grass and use it as a pillow. Gazing at the clouds as I imagine myself with everything I could have possibly want.

For the while, it seemed like I had no problems to deal with. It was perfect and peaceful.

Until I see a large frame covering my view and creating  a nice shade over my head. Once I noticed the blonde curls I let my eyes close.

"Stay right there." I mumble feeling quite relaxed.

A silent minute passes and I feel comfortable enough to fall asleep. But the silence doesn't last long.

"What are you doing here?" James asks.

I open one eye and realise he actually hasn't moved an inch.

"Can't you see?" I respond shutting my eyes again.

It wasn't long before I heard him move, my shade disappearing. When I try to watch him walk away, I realised that he hasn't gone anywhere.

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