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Kris PoV

"EVERYONE WAKE UP!" I tried to wake the others. I tried to wake Janella and Kairis, "I think that Geo was gone! Her things are nowhere to be found!"

Everyone gasped and stood, "OMG! Where is she?!" Janella.

"If I knew, I'd never ask!"

I feel scared of the possible things she did. I can't believe that she did this too early. I thought she planned this after we went home. And we planned that she would disappear when they were going to get married. And it f*cking killing me!

"Maybe something bad happens to Geo! Gosh! Jeric needs to know this!" Janella ran out of the room. We didn't stop her because maybe, the more that everyone knows about her disappearance. It's easy to find her.

I tried to call her phone, but she's not picking it up. She's out of the coverage area. I know that she doesn't turn her phone off, but I have someone in mind who can do this. But I hope I am wrong.

Jeric came while catching his breath and went to George's closet, "Did you try to call her phone?!"

I nodded.

"She doesn't pick it up. I think that she intentionally turned her phone off."

We were stunned when he grabbed his hair and pulled it. This behavior is new to us. "Why didn't you look for her all night? You all knew her capabilities when she's asleep!" He looked frustrated, but we were all more scared when we saw him punch the wall. "This is all fault! Maybe, I hurt her again. You're such a jerk, Jeric!" Tears continuously fall to his cheeks.

My boyfriend, Agustine tried to stop him, but before he did. He left the room in a rush.


ALL DAY, we searched for her. We tried to contact them, but I saw how Jeric made all the effort just to find her. He didn't eat o rest for a while. He can roam the whole beach if he can to find George. I saw how he lost his insanity, just to find our friend.

We watched Jeric while he was sitting around the bonfire, "Where does that woman go?! Does she know that everyone is looking for her, mostly this man, Jeric? He is too in love with George!" My boyfriend comments.

I dive deeply into his neck, "If you saw his reaction while talking to George here in this resort. Even though George throws him a lot of hurtful things, he still smiles. I felt his sincerity towards her and I'm so disappointed that she can't see that." He added.

"It's too sad that they need to be separated" I didn't expect myself to say what I was thinking in my mind.

He looked at me, "Are you hiding something from me, Kris?" He frowned while asking me, "Do you know where the h*ll is our friend? You are always together and I know that you know something."

I shake my head to deny his accusations, "Nothing. I know nothing, Agustine! I swear to God that I don't know where she is and even I know. You are the first one to know it!" I don't like the idea of lying to him, but I promised George when she was still with us that I'd keep it a secret. I will still keep that promise even though I don't know what plans she has now. I'm still trying to follow her plans.

I looked at him seriously, "You don't trust me?" I changed the topic.

His expression softens, "It's not like that, Kris. I just pity Jeric that he is now going to be insane because of her disappearance."

I turn myself again inside his embrace and rest again to his chest.

Wherever you are, I hope you are safe and show yourself again.


WE WOKE UP by the news about one of McKnight's students. They found a burned corpse inside a flaming car to the nearest City in Batangas. The body was severely burned and the identity is being known by its belongings.

When they raised an object that I knew belonged to her. My blood drained. George can't leave that. The ring she always wears because she believes that it's her lucky charm. It was returned to her by Jeric on the first day he came to MU.

"I-Its from Geo..." I kneeled on the sand and Agustine comforted me. He locked me with his arm, "It's hers!"

"No! You're lying! She's still alive!" We saw how he broke down from hearing that news. I know how painful this is for him, double how we felt. Maybe they are not in a relationship, they are still in love with each other.

I looked at Dad to tell him to stop this act already. But his eyes are filled with sympathy towards my friends and to our friend, George.


HOSPITAL. WE WENT to the morgue of this hospital in Batangas. I want to see my friend's body even if she is in this situation. I love that woman so much and we can't accept that she died like this.

We let Jeric go first inside. We let Jeric open the blanket that covered George's body.

Everyone gasped because we couldn't recognize her. She's dead. "Love!!!" The voice of Jeric echoed in the four corners of the room. In front of George's cold body.

But I can't take the heaviness inside me. I felt like I had something to do with this. I know her plans, but it felt so different when your plan goes to happen in reality.

I went to the rooftop, but someone covered my mouth from shouting. I wanted to shout for help, but she removed the cloth that covered her face. I gasped because of her appearance after we saw her body.

I walked closely and touched her face, "What happened to you?" But I didn't wait for her response and hugged her immediately. "Where did you go? You have a lot of explanation to do!"

When she pushed me, she smiled even though the pain was written on her face because of the huge wounds.

"I failed a little, but I am too lucky and heaven didn't want me in." She can still give me a joke. "How are they? Our friend? How about Lance? Did he sense that I didn't die?"

She hit me again and again because of frustration, "You crazy b*tch! Why didn't you tell me about your early plan? I thought that you were already dead!"

"I thought so, but here she is. Alive and kicking George Ashley. Thanks to God!" Someone cut us and appeared in George from behind.

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