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George Ashley PoV

I AM LOOKING OUTSIDE the bus and this girl beside me is in deep sleep on my shoulder. Our vacation is outside Manila. We are going to go to one of Batangas's beaches. Laiya, San Juan, Batangas.

I watched the trees outside while they were passed by our vehicle. They are dancing by the air comes to them. I also saw people from this place, walking and enjoying the scenery around us. I can't blame them. This place is really behind imagination. My eyes also can't keep from looking at the people, a couple to be exact. I just hope I can do that too.

I take a deep breath because of jealousy.

When can I experience being with someone I love? Like walking on the side of a road while holding our hands. Leaning on his shoulder. With Jeric joking and teasing me again. Enjoying this breathtaking view without thinking about Lance which can wipe our happiness.

"Are we close?" My seatmate is now awake. She is rubbing her eyes, "I'm hungry." Janella complaint.

I just shake my head in disbelief and laugh to her attitude, "I don't know. I'm just a newcomer here in Laiya Beach and I thought you had snacks in your bag. Eat them to ease your hunger." I remind her.

Her face brightened for that reminder and get her bag full of snacks and sweets for this trip. Janella is really on a hunger strike.

My phone vibrates and there is one message from an unknown number.



That's what is inside the message.

I frowned at that message, but before I put it again inside my bag. It vibrates again because of the same unknown number.


Don't put your phone inside your bag. Let's talk. It's too boring inside this bus.

I looked around because the sender of those messages was inside this vehicle. But everyone is asleep. So, I don't know who is this person who keeps on texting me.


Looking for me? Funny. You are too cute, Geo!

I replied to that unknown person using all capital letters because it's kind of irritating that this person want to play.


Who are you? Are you my STALKER?!


Stalker? Maybe. Call me anything you want, I just want to talk with you, Geo. Ayyiee! Are you feeling kilig?

The way this person talked, it was like he/she knew me already. This anonymous sender was like talking to me in person. I felt comfortable talking and I felt happiness inside my heart.

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