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Janella PoV

WAR FREAK. That's who I am, but I will not let our friendship be ruined and messy like this. I don't want them to get hurt, so I'll do everything in my power to fix everything.

I knock at Jeric's apartment. Yes, I went to his place for a private conversation. I want to help this man, that I knew would cure and make my best friend happy again. The true source of George's happiness. He is the true man who can give that happiness to her.

David is also my friend, but we both fool each other if we force the two individuals that are not meant for each other. David loved George, but George didn't. George's heart and happiness are only for this man while David loved her, but we all know that she can't pay back to him. And this David is too blind to feel that stares of Kairis for him when she is looking or talking to him. Numb!

"Is there anyone inside?" I know to his door.

Jeric shouted inside, "Wait for a moment!"

When he opened the door, Jeric's eyes widened in shock. But it also shocked me when he opened the door, the mess to his living room. Those powders that I think are drugs are on the table. Jeric is packing them!

He's an addict! Pusher!

"It is you, Janella. Sorry if my house is too messy. I have my deadline with Misis Nena for this tawas she ordered to me." He scratched the back of his head while shyly smiling at me.

What am I thinking? I take a deep break from what I think about him. I misjudge him. I am on the edge of calling the police, but I'm grateful that I was wrong about that.

Jeric fixed and cleaned the long chair here in his living area. He put aside the powder on the table that he said was tawas. He sat on the floor and continued doing his task. What an unfortunate man he is.

"Take a seat. Sorry if I can't offer you anything to drink. My customer rushed me to this." He chuckled. "But why did you pay a visit? I'm too ashamed to show this messy place. I know that you are not into this place."

I roamed around to the place of Jeric. It is too small, unlike the place I am living in. This was like our bathroom for this size.

I am sitting on a bamboo chair and a small table. He has an old model television. It is not a smart TV. The electric fan produced a loud noise, but he didn't mind it. He had few things inside, but when I looked at him, he was fine with this kind of life.

"It is about our friend. George." When I mentioned her name. He stops stapling the plastic he is holding. He put it down.

"Something happens to her?" Then he continued what he was doing, "I don't have any news about her because she already ended our connection before. She didn't reply to every message I sent to her on social media." Jeric fake laugh is trying to ease the atmosphere even though I know that he is in pain about that idea.

"I approach you because I want to help you for you and George to talk. I know that my friend is still into you, but she's too frightened to admit it. I just want to know if you felt the same way as George. Do you love her?" I directly asked him because everyone knew how straightforward I was. "I am willing to risk our friendship for you. I want to know if that is worth it. If you are worth it."

He stops really from what he is doing. Jeric stood and sat beside me. Jeric eyes meet mine and it is like he is leading me to somewhere, but it is clear to me what he is thinking.

"Look at me, Janella. Am I worth it?" Before he asked for it. I know the answer already. "Since my father died, I promised to myself to become true to myself. I will not let anyone I love leave me again. And the first person that came to me was George. I think about her. She's too important to me. I loved her since then, Janella. She's the reason why I keep on fighting and working today. To be on the same level as her. To reach her again." He admitted the truth to my face.

I looked away because this was enough coming from him. "I'll wait for you to finish those tawas then after that, we're going somewhere." I simply said.


WE ARE ON OUR way to George's mansion to pay a visit. Jeric is too nervous because he didn't expect that I would bring him to her. I know that George will loathe me, but I did this for her because I don't want to see her like this. Maybe Jeric can make her take care of herself. Be the reason to live again.

Jeric is wearing a maong pants and the white t-shirt he is wearing is tucked in. He wore old Vans shoes, and it is not original from how they look.

He was looking outside and I felt the tension that his aura was bringing.

"Are you okay?"

He looked at me and smiled, "This is my second time going to her house and I'm terrified to face again her parents."

I chuckled, "Chill you ass, Ongpauco. You are not into meeting the parents as George's boyfriend to feel that way."

"The first time I went there, they warned me to stay away from their daughter. I hurt her, I know. They are too angry to me, that I can't forget how they disgust my presence." I saw how Adam's apple moved downward and upward. The sweat he produced even the aircon in my car is on its maximum power.

"Good luck to you, Ongpauco."


WHEN MY CAR entered the mansion's garage, the man with me became like a statue while looking outside. Did he plan to stay in here or will he come out?

"You're too afraid to admit your feelings before George and I hope you will not commit the mistakes you did and control by that fear, Jeric." My advice even though I'm not good at it. Kairis is the expert there.

I came out and wait for him to put his ass off. I didn't wait any little longer for the Prince to pop out.

I opened the door because I'm not that patient person, so I opened it myself.

"Come on, Jeric! Don't be such a Disney Princess here!"

Jeric came out and like this was his first time to have here. His eyes roamed around. He swallowed continuously because of fear, but I pushed him forward so it would end up early.

"You'll stand there all your life? Face your ghost! You're fear! It shows that you're not a man already!" 

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