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George Ashley's PoV

WHEN DAYS passed by, I didn't have enough sleep or ear properly because of thinking about that Ongpauco transfer here in MU. I don't feel well about the thought that the person I was afraid of would pop up in front of me and ruin everything I have right now.

"Are you all good? You look like a zombie here!" He said. David comments while we enter the campus.

I just smiled and nodded for an answer.

I lifelessly sat on my seat, but everything went dark. I don't see anything plus the fact that I have blurred eyesight.

My heart started to beat fast because of fear, "D-David? Are you there?" I startledly asked because of what I felt at that moment, "Answer me, please!" I felt mixed emotions: anger and fear of what was happening. I felt like I wanted to cry, but before my tears fell, the front of the room became bright again.

David is standing there and playing guitar while singing. He smiled at me and it was like everything around me came to life and the world turned so slowly.

After he sang for me again. He walked towards me and didn't blink while looking straight at me. "I am sorry for frightening you, Geo. I didn't know you were afraid of the dark." He scratched the back of his head. "Can I have a dance with you?" He shyly asked for my hand.

I wiped my tears and stood so I could hit his arm. "You always pissed me off! You have this trip to do-" but before I finish my words. He pulled me and locked me with him, holding my waist and putting my hands on his broad shoulder.

"I also knew today that you are a very talkative woman, George." He chuckled. "Please, show those sides of yours to me. Don't keep any secret from me because I'll always accept every inch of yourself."

Screams outside and saw my classmates looking at us. Some felt kilig and cheered us mostly our barkada.

"You asked them to join your trip today." I laughed at the idea that he did everything here for me.

"Of course, I'll do everything just for you."

I was mesmerized by what he said and found myself on his chest. I felt peace when I heard his heart, it was like my tiredness pulled me to be like this.

He always makes me feel at home. David became my shelter when I was in the middle of a storm. Gives me the warm and too much attention that I want even though I never asked him to give it to me.

His heartbeat entered my ear and David was the first man who heard his heart. The first man I allowed to be this close to me. I felt like my distance from his heart was an inch far.

"What is happening here?!" Everything stops and the noise becomes mute because of that yell. I pushed him because of Ma'am Jennelyn's loud voice. "Why is everyone here outside?" She entered the room and heard our classmates murmuring.

Our class president came to Ma'am and whispered something. I don't know, but I felt ashamed of how our teacher is now looking at us.

"Why don't you inform me immediately about this? So, I can see everything from the beginning!" I glance a disappointment and we all just laugh. "Continue your moment with Miss Mendoza, Mister Romero."

But we don't dance anymore. Someone entered the scene and handed a bouquet of red roses and chocolate again.

After that, our friends came in while holding boards in their hands. I think he put a lot of effort into doing it. I know it because I am an artist!

Every board contains letters and it says...

May I court you

I said and looked at him. He takes off his jacket. David is wearing a red T-shirt with a question mark on it.

It sounds cheesy, but I keep myself in showing how he affects me. How flattered I am because of his effort.

"George Ashley Mendoza. The very mysterious woman, but with a good heart. I love you and I want you to know that even everyone knows that I am into you. My heart belongs to you." He is like pleading in front of me. "I know there are a lot of people who give you pain, but let me prove to myself that I am different from them. My feelings are pure and I hope you can let me do that. May I court you, Geo?"

I look around because I can't find a good reaction to that. Joy is eating my whole system and that killing I felt because of what he just told to everyone. I just first experienced this in my entire life.

But I forgot what is in this day. When our eyes met, I felt like I had fallen from my own grave. Those eyes are asking me, but I can't understand what he wants to say. Did he want me to stop him?

"George?" I look at David again, who is waiting for my answer.

My eyes are looking back and forth. Everyone is waiting for my answer. But the reality slap me and it reminds me of what he did to me before.

Now that there is someone who accepts me and loves me. He will come back! Pulling me again to hell and will ruin what I have right now.

I look at David. To the man who made me feel the true love and adoration that Jeric failed to do to me when I was still his.

I pulled David up and hugged him. I buried my face in his chest so, I couldn't see Jeric's face.

"Don't you dare hurt and leave me, David! You must always be here by my side." I said to him. Begging him to do that.

He hugged me back and jumped for too much happiness. He also shouts while everyone is looking at us.

When he stopped celebrating, he whispered something in my ear. "I'm not still your boyfriend, but you became very territorial. It is fine. I only belong to you."

I buried my face deeply in his.

I need to open myself to others like my father's advice. Let them enter my life fully. And don't let my difficult to love. Not now, but I know I can. I can repay the love you can offer to me right now. Also, show Jeric that I am fine even without him.

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