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George Ashley PoV

I CALLED Kairis where on Earth she was. Only to find out that she stayed at the school canteen and she's out of this world because of the loud kinds of music in her ears. Agh! I can't blame her for doing that after that bastard Jeric did to our group of friends. Jeric must not easily belong to the group.

I ran towards her and locked her in my arms. I need this hug. I need my friends.

She was shocked by my sudden action but hugged me back. "It's like I died to the kind of tears you're giving to me. Calm down. I'm fine!" She can still give me those jokes.

I stood properly and pinched her repeatedly.

"It hurts, Geo!" Kairis protested while fighting against me.

"You are super annoying! I've searched for you everywhere and then, you are just here. Sitting around like a Disney princess!" If she didn't do that. Jeric would not have the chance to talk to me. I want to tell her, but I keep it hidden under my tongue.

"That man pissing me off! He acted like an angel to everyone, but he had this huge devil's horn! He doesn't even think about you. He saw you there and he has the guts to tell everyone that girl he likes the most!"

I smiled and hugged her again. "Thank you so much, Kai! For being a good friend. Someone I can talk to. Thank you for defending me even though I didn't ask you to do it. Thank you for understanding me!" She placed her hands on my back and calmed me down.

"You deserve it because you are one of the craziest friends I have."


EVERYONE STARED at us when we came to the room. What's their f*cking problem?!

I sit on my chair, near that psycho, but I stop stepping again when I step on something.

It was a picture that turned into pieces. I look at Jeric. Like me, he is looking at pictures.

I kneeled to see it and picked up the pieces of the photo. With the use of two pieces of the picture, I knew who was in it. I felt like I received thousands of volts of that scene.

My eyes widen and look at Jeric. "You need to do this, huh?" Why did he need to show it to my face like those memories are nothing to him? "You would like to be the main character in my life? Right?!" I stood and threw it to his face. "Try better, Ongpauco! Be better at doing that again!" I step purposely into the remains of the paper on the floor. It is the photo of us that I gave, the same as the ring he already gave to me.

Why did he act like he wanted my forgiveness on the rooftop? Act as if he loved me too! Then after that, he will show how he have the power to destroyed everything from me!

I sit on the chair of Kairis because I can't stand seeing him. Even his breathing made my blood boil!


EVEN WHEN it's already time to go home. I never glance at him. Even David didn't look at me and it puzzled me, why? He didn't say anything when I said goodbye to him. What is his problem?

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