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George Ashley PoV

IT'S BEEN ONE WEEK since I was absent because of that incident. I will not let him ruin my life! I will continue my life and study harder. I will not give him the victory he wants!

Like before, they gave me meaningful stares, but I am not like before anymore. I will not depend on any protection coming from others! I am done being weak! I can live on my own!

"What are you looking at?!" I said to a bunch of b*tches, "Stop staring or I'll put them out. Stop acting like you're still calm because we all knew that many men tasted all of you already!" I gave them all my anger inside. It's still morning, but they challenged me!

I am not shocked when someone bumps me again, but this time, I will not let myself fall again. So, I grabbed Lara's hair and pulled it. The cheerleading leader of McKnight University.

"The path is too wide for us, for you to bump me for the second time!" I kicked her back, so she fell to the cement. "See! It is more appealing to see you there. Don't soar high, Lara because your brain and soul left your body in the process."

She darkly looked at me and stood.

"You're a fighter now, Mendoza! But it doesn't change the fact that-"

"I am dirty? Selfish? Come on, b*tch! Tell me something new?!"

I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow.

I already stepped on their pride too much. They all attacked me, but I have no fear of protecting and fighting for myself to her slaves.

They are pulling my hair and scratching me like how they used to do. But I pay them back. I'll never let them pass through this. I will make them bald, but someone stops me from doing that.

They separated us, but I tried my best to free myself. I am eager to have bruises and wounds. I am having fun playing with them!

"Let me go, Carlo!" I demand, "Don't be in my way!" I yelled to my old friend.

Kris went in front of me and slapped me without any second thought.

I grinned and looked at her coldly.

"Are you insane, Geo? First, Janella who just wants to help you, then now, Carlo who is stopping you from your bad doing! What is your problem?!"

He let me go and I looked at him, but back to Kris.

I step forward and get close to her, "Maybe I am and what is my f*cking problem?" I turn my head and spit out the blood in my mouth. "You! All of you! I don't need your help, but you always barging in. And I thought you wanted me to be true to all of you? Well, here I am! Who I am! My true self!" I turned around and walked away.

But my luck meant for too long because I saw the man I loathe. When our eyes meet, I know that he will come to me.

I ran away from him. I don't want to hear his explanation about what happened in the past. I don't need the answer that I asked him multiple times before. What is the point of that if he already hurt me?!

"What do you need to hear for you to understand that I will never trust your words ever again?!" I yelled when he pulled my arm, "Don't you see it or I was the only one who can?! It is not for me or you that love you are talking about! We will both be hurt in the end if we continue what you want to happen! So, please!" I pulled my hand and continued walking. I can't stand being in one place with him.

"You know to yourself that we both be hurt if we both hide our true feelings. You already said before that it is okay to convey everything that we think rather than regret it in last that we didn't do everything to tell it to the person we love the most, how important that person is to our life!" He reminds me of what I said to him when I confessed my feelings for him.

My feet froze and I'll say that his words affected me. I don't know why I need to stop if I can continue walking away from him.

"I love you so much, George! I'm sorry if it takes too long for you to have it that I deprived you. Sorry if I let you feel that I play with your feelings, but I think it's normal to feel fear, right? I feared that what you said was not true. I am willing to risk everything for you, to have you back, my Love!"

My heart stopped a beat when I heard those words. It's like time became slow and the only thing I knew was that, he was already in front of me again. He is looking at me while surrounded by thousands of students like us.

His hand touches my cheek to wipe the tears that escape from my eyes. Those pair of brown eyes brought me to the deepest part of his soul like how he did before. It is like those eyes answered my questions here in my heart.

"The night when we danced together was the happiest day of my life, George. To touch and be near you is life for me. So, I can't survive again seeing you crying again because of me. I love you so much and I hope you still love me too."

I heard everyone's giggles, but my heart. The loudness of its beat was the only thing I knew. My head is telling me to run and not trust him because he will just fool me, but this heart of mine is telling me to give him a chance. Hoping that everything that happened today is real.

I looked around and I remembered when he ran away from our supposedly fake wedding on Valentine's Day in school, how he made me a fool while seeing him running away from me like I have a deadly virus.

I step back and carefully push him. Many things are running to my mind and I don't receive a good answer. "Stay away from me, Jeric. I am begging you to stop your lies!" I turn around. I walk and run at the same time.

While running, I heard clearly how the people around us talking about what I had done earlier. How they pity what I've done to Jeric and judge my whole identity. How picky I am to reject that ideal man.

"David was right! She wants to be chased by my men. What a war freak and slut?!" I heard their whispers. 

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