Chapter 88: Tears of Gold

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Everyone was in the church and the bridesmaids and groomsmen are going to begin to get in when someone got out "Harry" I smiled and jumped on him "you came" "of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world" he said smiling "you look amazing" "thank you, Rory, is he nervous?" He shook his head "he's excited and definitely trying not to cry" "what? How did you know?" I asked.

"He's right. He is trying not to cry. He is saying I'm not going to cry, I am not going to cry. You are a strong man Richard and you will not cry" I laughed "My man, oh god I love him. You know who's going to cry?" "Who?" Xander asked "the unexpected: Justine, Nina, Michelle. And of course, the expected you know" I said.

"Which is everyone, since Joelle left tissues on the benches," Daniel said "what?" I laughed "that's amazing" "Mom is totally going to cry," Chris said "what?" Elena came "nothing, love here are some tissues," Zara said.

"It's time" a person came from inside and said, "wait." Chris said making everyone look back "I needed to tell you, I give you my blessing" they laughed "thank you Chris" I hugged him and kissed him on the cheeks.

Everyone walked in on the beat then Freddie, Chris, and Mark walked in as the ring barriers, then my flower girl Rose, the most adorable girl ever began walking in throwing petals of white and rose flowers. My veil was on the dress train in order then I walked in. They all stood up.

I tried not to look up but what urged me the most was to see him. I looked him in the eyes and smiled. He looked amazing, he was handsome and uhh. I had a few tears in my eyes, he was crying smiling, like crying crying, tears were rolling down his eyes. His tears of gold. 'Wow. beautiful' he muttered. I smiled.

I kept walking step by step, and when I reached him. He gave me a hand and I stepped up "you look fascinating" I smiled when he kissed my hand "you may be seated." You see my parents and Richard's parents didn't take off the veil until they were officially married so we said let's follow the tradition.

I gave Joelle my bouquet "Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Valentina Hart and Richard Pierce in marriage. Through their time together, they have come to realize that their personal dreams, hopes, and goals are more attainable and more meaningful through the combined effort and mutual support provided in love, commitment, and family; and so today, they will begin their life together, as husband and wife. We gather here to unite these two people in marriage. Their decision to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover, companion, and friend. A good and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which both give their love freely and without jealousy." Richard's hands tightened around mine and gave me a breathtaking smile.

"Ultimately there comes a moment when a decision must be made. Two people who love each other must ask themselves how much they hope for as their love grows and deepens, and how much risk they are willing to take. The commitment may well be a fearful gamble. Because it is the nature of love to create, a marriage itself is something which has to be created, the natural consequence of a love so strong, such that as we come together in marriage, we become a new creature - the two becoming one within."

"Valentina and Richard, seek from within yourselves the serenity to accept the things you cannot change the courage to change the things that you must, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Live each day, one day at a time enjoying your time together, one moment at a time seek the wisdom of experience learn all that you can from each other accept hardships as the building blocks of experience realizing that accepting both the good and bad are simply a part of being alive strive to make as many things right as is humanly possible in your life together that you may be reasonably happy in the life you share from this day forward" he looked at us "now vows"

"Valentina Rosie Hart. Before I met you, I wasn't looking for love, for like 15 years. I had decided that I will focus on my carrier and that would be my ever after. But then you came, those blue eyes, that I could notice from a mile away but I looked at them a millimeter away. I wouldn't have known what my life would be like if you didn't come to that interview. If you didn't call me a wazzock every once in a while" all of us laughed "or the nicknames you say for every scenario like Zorro, Romeo, Grumpy, I wouldn't dare to say more. Or that nickname, Riccardo" I laughed "I love everything about you: your smile, your eyes, freckles, and curly red hair, your tiny hands that fit perfectly in mine, that British accent, and your laugh, but the most thing I love about you is your heart and personality: your kindness, selflessness, your willingness to sacrifice yourself for others. I love our food fights, I love how you dance and sing when you think that nobody is watching. I love everything about you. I promise to stay right beside you through rough and good times, to help you keep and build up your strong and independent personality, I promise to leave you the last piece of mozzarella stick, even when I'm dying for it. I promise to hear out your opinion and make decisions together. And finally, I promise to love you today, tomorrow, and through infinity" it was so sweet.

"Richard Lee Pierce, the day I met you I was lost and was pushed back from every person in New York and when we bumped into each other and saw your eyes, your unique eyes, and heard your voice, I got even more lost" everyone laughed "I was traumatized, I was like um what did I just witness?" He laughed "and when I saw you at that interview I was like, is it that bad that I'm imagining the person I bumped in is the actual person who was interviewing me, like what?" I stopped "skipping you being a wazzock for the next two months" he laughed "I was going to hand in my resignation letter, but you came and told me you loved me, it was just like a movie scene, a little bit of spice 'the argument' then I ran and kissed you with no hesitation, I was scared, but didn't care. I knew I was in love. It was the first night I could really sleep for the first time. We fought our way through everyone, literally everyone, some are even here. Our relationship kept growing day by day that's when I realized that Oscar Wilde was true when he said you don't love someone for their looks, their clothes, or their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.

You liked everything about me, even when I still don't know how, you accepted my flaws, and my weaknesses, and stood by me through unbearable situations. We've been through a lot even though we've only been with each other for 6 months but people go through what both of us went through in like 5 years, some might even call it off. I promise to always love you today tomorrow and infinity. I promise to bear your arguments. I promise to always eat the last mozzarella stick and bake you brownies, dark chocolate chip cookies, and the apple pie" "yum" he smiled "I promise to love and cherish you, with faithfulness, to be your support and help in times of need, to make you laugh and hold on to you when you cry until the end of times" 

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