Chapter 64: A Pair of Keys

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Valentina POV

Before we left Michelle gave me a book and told me to read it. It was called 'Punk 57', she smirked and told me not to read any description until I finished it.

It's 5 pm and we're home. "Munchi I'm not in the mood for a walk, I'm tired" she barked "We just came from a walk Munchkin." I groaned "what's wrong?" Richard asked "I don't know what Munchkin wants. She's just barking, and we just came from a walk"

"Are you ok?" He stood in front of me looking concerned pushing my hair out of my face, bringing it all behind my back. "I don't know I feel a bit breathless, and my chest is tight and I feel tired" Richard wasn't here after a second he brought the nebulizer and plugged it in, and gave it to me. I put the mask on and laid my head on his shoulder.

It's been 20 minutes and I feel better. "Love, do you want something to drink?" I asked him "I'll get it, what do you want?" He looked me straight in the eyes "Some water, please." The doorbell rang "I'll get it" I walked to the door "Hi, Joelle and Daniel " I opened the door wide "come in" "I hope we're not interrupting anything" Daniel said "no not at all" "what are you doing here?" Richard walked to them in the living room "visiting our future sister-in-law" Joelle said.

"How did you even know we were back?" Richard asked "I told her," I said, "I also knew from Xander," Daniel told us. "well let's get to work" Joelle brought all newspaper and markers and such on the table.

"What are we doing?" I asked her "um yeah?" Richard asked "looking for a house for the both of you to move into together" "and who told you that?" Richard asked "Michelle" she looked down "look Richard we're just trying to help you both." I sat down Richard sighed, I held his hand and pulled him next to me "sometimes help is not bad" Daniel said, "well let's begin" I said.

I was on my laptop going through some websites, there are actually some houses we are interested in.

It's been a couple of weeks since Richard proposed to me.

"Hi, Christine. Good morning" she hugged me "Valentina, how are you?" Richard closed the door. "I'm good, how are you?" I asked her "I'm good with all the great news." She smiled "show me" I handed her my hand "beautiful," she said, "just like you," Richard said looking at me "so when are you going to make the engagement?"

"We don't know yet, but we want it private, like really private. We don't want above 30 people" Richard said "and don't get me started on the damn photographers and paparazzi" what? "a party with 30 people or less?" Christina was shocked "we can manage that," she said.

"Like my friends, you guys, Joelle and Daniel, and their partners, and Lina's friends," Richard said "they're only going to be three or something, I don't think Elena will come from London while she's pregnant just for a couple of hours," I said sadly knowing I have no friends here except Richard's they are great but I mean I want Elena, Harry, Mia and Aiden to come.

"This looks nice" we entered the house, and instantly Richard broke a piece of the ground "wanna go now?" he asked me "with pleasure"

We were at the fourth house and we were in love, "what do you think?" I asked him "it's amazing and big. It has a nice community and neighborhood. It's near work and family and friends. I really like it," he said, "Me too, I love it. I think it would be cozy at Christmas with a tree here and hot chocolate. A living room" I led him to a room "here would be our room, and here would be a guest room or two or three, and then" I stopped at one that had a baby carriage in it "here would be our baby's room" he said holding me from my waist, I smiled sighing in relief.

"And here, oh here is the place you do miracles" he pointed at the kitchen "the pie" he closed his eyes "or the snowballs" "are you imagining yourself eating them?" I asked him he nodded "oh yeah" I heard voices coming in, "who are those?" I asked looking down "I don't know, shall we find out who's barging into our house?" I nodded and put my hand in his smiling at his British accent.

The day was pretty successful. Richard and I bought the house and we have a pair of keys now. Of course, his parents and siblings saw it first and they were more than happy for us. 

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