Chapter 71: She Claims to Be

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We arrived and Richard held my hand tightly "I'm here for you" I smiled. "Elena Williams" the man nodded, he didn't need to hear more, since she was Elena and was pregnant plus she was Elena the school's female troublemaker. "Don't need to hear more right?" He nodded and she held Brian's hand and entered.

"What's your name?" "Valentina Hart" I stated, "Are you sure?" He asked sarcastically, "Valentina Hart was big" he whispered looking at us. Richard glared at him and Elena said: "do you have a problem cause I can give you one" Richard glared at the man "come in" we entered "yup I was a different person" I said without him asking me. Everyone was there I recognized each and every single one of them. 

"Dude look, it's Tina. The bitch," Elena said, "hey lower your voice we don't want them to hear us" I stated chuckling "was a bitch still a bitch" she continued "who's that in the sexy tux?" She pointed at Jared "hey I'm still here" Brian said, "I know, I'm marked don't you see and we have another three at home" I chuckled at her response "don't mind her these are the hormones talking" Brian stated, "This is Jared, Elena" I said.

"Hello" Jared came smirking "I can't seem to remember I saw you in school," "well actually you did Jared" I put my hand in Richard's "I know you though" I stated, "I'm charmed you know my name" "how can I not?" I said.

"And who may you be?" I looked at Richard, and he nodded giving me a push to tell him and pulled me close to him "Valentina, Valentina Hart" "what?" He shouted "You can't be Valentina" he was shocked "Valentina was big" he chuckled, Richard glared at him as I squeezed his hand.

"Who's that beautiful lady?" Ryan came. Ryan Anderson "Valentina, or at least she claims to be," Jared said. Ryan looked at me with shock "How?" "how what? I'm Valentina from school from the old days remember?" He remembered memories, what they did to me.

"You can't be" Tina came "you can't prove it" "well actually I can," I said I removed my hair from my back, and pointed at a wound Tina once caused "oh my, Valentina" she engulfed me with a hug, what? "how are you? How's it been?"

I looked at Richard and he was in shock at what just happened "I'm good," I said "You look good" Ryan said with something in his eyes. "what do you work?" "well I have an MBA and I'm a senior marketing and sales manager" "wow," Ryan said, why is he like that?

"And this is my fiancé," I looked at Richard with adoration "Richard Pierce" Ryan looked at him from head to bottom "we're getting married in a six weeks"

Tina took my hand forcefully so that I was about to fall "wow" she looked at my rings, and I took my hand away "are you ok?" Richard whispered, I nodded smiling "they are big, you must be rich" Tina said, "can you stop?" I said.

"We met about 6 months ago and I knew she was the one," Richard said smiling "well, you got lucky with one of the most richest and important families in London," Jared said, "can you shut up?" I said, well he's kind of right, but I don't like to brag about it.

"Oh, you didn't know?" Tina asked "oh yeah right, she doesn't like to brag about it. But you should've noticed when you saw her mansion, or palace" she rolled her eyes "where do you live now?" Ryan asked "I live in New York" "Really? Why did you move out of here?" He said kind of pained "well, I wanted to follow my dreams, and look what it got me," I pointed at Richard smiling.

We talked for a bit and I didn't imagine that I would say that but I'm kind of proud of myself for coming here, just like Richard told me. We were going when Ryan came to me.

"Valentina, can we talk" "sure," I said, "alone" he pointed at Richard. He was willing to go but I stopped him. "There's nothing that Richard doesn't know, so" "ok fine, I'm very sorry for what I did to you back in school. I know I was harsh, But I'm just" he stopped "you're just?" "I like you" what the hell? "I think I misheard that, you what?" "don't make me say it again, you can't just go get married to a foreigner when I'm here" he chuckled.

"Well, first of all, what are you saying? You ruined my life. And for me, he's not a foreigner. He's the love of my life. God, if you think I would still have that silly crush on you, you would be a wazzock. I found someone I love and adore, and to anyone who doesn't believe that I can be loved well umm bad for you. I didn't come here for you. I came to show you that I lived without you, all of you. You're crazy Ryan. I found my soulmate. If you liked me, Ryan, why did you waste four years of your life hating me and making fun of me? If you think by you saying that, that I would come running in your chest and tell you oh Ryan I love you too. It's almost 9 years ago. It was a silly childhood crush. I hope you were joking. And I will take it as a joke or I'll pretend I didn't hear it so that we keep being 'friends'. Goodbye Ryan" I said politely.

"What does he have that I don't? I have money, gold, a mansion, I can give you everything you want, even a private airplane" He was shocked "aside from everything that you said, he gives me love, compassion, makes me feel like I belong, hugs, even if we were poor I would never let go of him, you are sick" I looked at my love "let's go love?" He nodded smiling "let's go"

"Did you really mean what you said?" He said his hands around my waist "the words that I said aren't even enough for how I feel towards you. We may have met 6 months ago, but I plan to spend the rest of my life next to you. Be greeted with your unique eyes every single day. No words are enough to tell you how I feel. I wish that you would be able to see yourself from my point of view. Feel the way I'm feeling towards you." He smiled brightly "I adore you Valentina Rosie Hart" "Me too Richard Lee Pierce" "so ready to introduce me to your uncle?" He asked "can't wait to make the rest of the world meet you" I pulled him from his collar and kissed him deeply. 

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