Chapter 54: A Knife Scar

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We were in the lake house and were eating popcorn and Richard was laying on my lap and I noticed a scar under Richard's shirt, it was on his torso "Richie" he looked at me smiling, I didn't want to bring back bad memories for him at night. "I love you" I put my hands softly in his hair making him close his eyes. "I love you too," he said, "do you want to sleep?" I asked him "so badly" he pouted "let's go" I whispered, and he nodded.

"Good night baby," I said, and kissed me on the forehead "goodnight love" I kept wondering what happened to him, maybe an accident or something. It's not a small scar by the way it's a knife scar, a big one, I decided to ask him tomorrow when he's had enough sleep.

It's 9 am and Richard is still asleep I got up and went down to make us some pancakes. After a bit I felt hands embracing me and kisses on my neck, I stood like this for a bit forgetting what I was actually doing, enjoying the kisses.

"Good morning baby" I turned around and put my hands around his neck. "good morning beautiful, uff your special pancakes" he inhaled "yeah," I pulled him in "but you have to kiss me first to get some" "I'll gladly do," he pulled me closely not leaving space between us. "strawberries," he said, I chuckled at his childish behavior.

"You taste like strawberries" I nodded "my lip balm" "can I have some more?" I shrugged my shoulders "does that mean a yes" I nodded "but after breakfast because they are burning" I gave him a deep three-second kiss and walked back to the stove.

"Do you like the pancakes?" "of course, but what I love most is you." He pointed the fork at me "stop that, you are making me blush" I said "then it worked" he smirked licking his lips and then his flawless teeth.

"You" I pointed at him "me" I chuckled "you are washing the dishes" "and you are" he didn't find anything to say "you are going to sit with me at the time being" I shrugged my shoulders "well, I think I'm going for a swim" "no you're not, the water is still cold" he stated "I love cold water" he groaned, "but it's still 11 am"

"Why not take a day for swimming?" I was just messing with him, I wasn't actually going swimming without him, or doing anything without him. He was adorable and pouting, I walked towards him and pulled him by his shirt.

"You didn't think I was going to do anything without you, were you?" He sighs in relief "you can do those later. Let's go enjoy it outside." "Munchkin, let's go" Richard shouted, paws came running on the floor. "are you ready Munchi?" I pet her making her wiggle her tail and smile.

"So here we go?" Richard opened the door then Munchkin, "picnic in the sun" I said sighing fresh air in. "there's a spot right there." He brought the basket that I prepared. I put a sheet and we sat. "no Munchkin no. You are not going to eat chocolate, it's bad for you. I brought you your favorites." I threw her treat up in the air knowing she was going to catch it. "good girl" I pet her.

I was laying on Richard's bear chest. Tracing his one single tattoo that led to the scar. "Richard would you mind if I ask you something" "anything" he looked at me with his breathtaking eyes "You don't have to say" "just tell me" he looked at me, "I noticed this scar yesterday. What is it from?" He looked down "it's a knife scar. I was walking down the street one day about four years ago, and a man thought he could rob me. But I wasn't giving up my bag since it had sensitive stuff from work and so he cut me."

I was going to put my hand on it but I was scared to hurt him. "is it ok if I touch it?" He nodded, I was still hesitant, he took my hand and put it on the scar gently. "am I hurting you?" I asked him, and he shook his head playing in my hair. "it was 4 years ago trust me, doesn't hurt anymore" I nodded walking my index finger from top to bottom on it. "It looks savage," I said trying to lighten up the mood, "like a badass" I laughed making him laugh "you are really something, doesn't it change the way you think of me or something?" "What? No, you are strong and you survived through it. It doesn't change the way I love you." 

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