Chapter 27: Unicorns and Gordon Ramsey?

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Richard POV

I offered her my hand which she took and we inter winded hands walking to my car. We were in my Bugatti, I ran before her to open the door, being the gentleman I am. Just joking, she deserves to be treated that way, like a queen.

I entered my car and once I put my hand on her thigh, she didn't complain instead she put her hand on top of mine. It was my first date in ages, like a real proper date. I decided to bring her to this place I love. I never brought women here.

Women I went out with weren't like women I liked, maybe flings. I don't know what I was thinking about back then. And when I went out with them they weren't dates. I don't even want to remember that anymore, not after I found her.

She was lost like a puppy not knowing where we were going.

We stopped at Daniel Boulud. I got out of the car and opened the door. "My lady" I offered her my hand "thank you lovely gentleman" she smiled and got out. The vale man walked towards the driver's seat "A scratch I dare you" I scared him "Richard don't be mean" she said pinching me. "Ouch," I pouted. Other girls would smirk and look at the vale chuckling, but she was down to earth and caring.

The door opened and we were greeted by Daniel Boulud. Amazement was in her eyes, "Daniel how are you?" "Monsieur Pierce" we shook hands then side hugged "Richard" I corrected him he nodded, Daniel diverted his eyes towards my princess "this is Valentina" I put my arm around her waist to that he knows "Oh finally, merci mon Dieu, finally I can rest in peace" I chuckled.

Valentina offered a hand to shake Daniel's, he kissed it she smiled blushing "It's an honor to meet you Chef Boulud when I was young my mother and I would always bake your recipes. She loved them as well as my father." I was happy that she was happy. "I love her already," Daniel said about Valentina "who wouldn't" I smiled.

"One day, I would love to meet your mother," he said, "seems like she has style" Valentina smiled and didn't talk about it, she nodded and looked at me telling me to forget it.

"How are your babies do you tuck them in bed and clean them crystal?" I asked him "as you can see" he pointed at the Michelin stars. I chuckled and Valentina did the same. "well let me bring you to your table"

Valentina's POV

We sat in the skybox, it was amazing. We saw the kitchen and unlike what I thought it would be, it was quiet "how are they so quiet?" "What?" Richard asked me laughing "like have you ever seen Gordon Ramsey, he always shouts and breaks things" "yeah Daniel isn't like that. He treats the people downstairs as if they were family" I smiled. "But I love Gordon Ramsey, so if you like me Gordon Ramsey is a part of me," I said drinking a sip of wine and chuckling, he laughed. "So unicorns and Gordon Ramsey?" she nodded chuckling.

"So if Gordon Ramsey is a part of you, then I'll like him. But not as much as I love you" he made me blush like crazy, how does he say the right words all the time, I look down "I love your blush" he said, "who knew you're such a romantic" "Just for you love" he held my hand "I never know what to say, so you have to excuse me from for my lack of sweet words" I can never keep up with those good and loving words of his.

We were talking and drinking wine waiting for our food to come. "Your friend loves you." He said about Elena "yeah I know. We've been best friends for 18 years I think" I smiled "she's married and has Freddie, Marc, Christopher, and a baby girl in her stomach" I continued "wow" he was amazed "however, she's older than me with 3 or 4 years" "and how is that?" he asked me "well she entered school a bit older so she was two grades above me. At about 7th grade she had to repeat a year so she was the year after me. She graduated before me and went to Cambridge and I went there too so yeah. But we knew each other since I was like what six years?" I said calculating and chuckling. "Tell me about your friends," I said.

"I better not say anything about them, you should make your first impressions first" "come on tell me please" I pleaded.

"Ok, there are Maxine and John. Maxine is the one who organizes everything and everything has to go to plan I swear she has OCD and is a control freak. John is her boyfriend he's the total opposite he's a mess and but they just manage to work in sync." He chuckled.

"Callan and Nicole are the artists of the group. They talk in a language no one understands, as they say, are you born in the renaissance?" I laughed making him smile "Both of them are just crazy about drawing and art, they are amazing." He talked about them with awe.

"Jack and Liv. Olivia is so sassy and has a damn attitude I don't know how Jack deals with her. Jack is kind. Both of them together they're just cringe. Bluh. Justine and Benjamin. Justine is a Scorpio full stop and Ben is also a Scorpio. They're this couple that if Ben says anything about Justine it's fine but if I said anything about her, yeah you are right, a fight will begin." He continued

"Michelle and James are the fashionista couple. You never see them in the same clothes twice and they're party animals. Well all of us are party animals. Finally, Zara and Xander are the love birds of the group. They are the ones who lasted the longest. Zara is crazy and Xander is always excited so. Yeah that's it" "wow" I was mind blown "that's amazing"

We talked about different things and laughed "care for a dance?" I nodded "gladly" he pulled me close enough that I was hearing his heartbeats, that southing lullaby, my heart was also beating fast of being that close to him that I don't know which of us' heartbeat it was.

"You look amazing" "thank you love" I smiled looking at him "how are you like that?" "Like what?" I asked, "you just came and stole my heart." I smiled blushing "Well, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who feels that way. I love you." I caressed his cheek.

We didn't have to talk, we had that connection that we just communicate by just looking each other in the eyes. I feel so blessed to have someone like him in my life.

The waiter came and brought dessert "but we didn't order any" Richard said, "The chef said it was on the house, for the lovely lady" Richard looked out of the window and nodded at Daniel in appreciation. We sat and shared the dessert Richard seemed quiet and taken back.

"Richard, are you ok?" He looked at me smiling and nodded "yeah totally" he put his hand on mine "Valentina" he said my name with his breathtaking husky voice "mhm" I looked him in his eyes "would you like to be my girlfriend?" I couldn't believe it, it's our first date, how can he want me when he doesn't know me, I was taken back "never-" "yes" I said smiling widely from cheek to cheek "yes, I would love to" he looked at me with adoration, as if he was a child and ice cream was brought to him.

"Are you serious?" He asked, I nodded smiling "yes". He got up and hugged me "Thank you, Valentina," he said with his head in the crook of my neck "thank you Mr. Pierce for being here, and asking me" he smiled and kissed me.

His kiss was soft, his lips were like feathers. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me close softly, caressing my back, and pulling me tight. He put a hand on my back and another one on my hip. He was so much taller than me even with heels on. I let my hand wander from his muscled arm to his shoulder and then slowly to his neck, pulling him closer to me. "you just made me the happiest man alive" he said with his forehead to mine.

"Richard" he looked at me "mhm" he motioned me to continue "I just have some requests" I stated "actually promises" he nodded "anything" "Don't lie to me" he caressed my cheek "be honest to me, with me" "promise," he said "please don't fight anyone" he chuckled "unless it's necessary" "and finally, can we please not tell anyone yet at work. I promise I can't wait for the world to meet you, but I'm just scared. You saw what Britany did" he nodded "of course" he kissed my forehead "please, don't break my heart. It was shattered and I don't think I can fix it again" "I will never ever dare break your heart. Cross my heart and hope to die"

"I love you Richie" "Me too, Lina"

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