Chapter 10: Please

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Richard POV

I heard they were going to that club today. Valentina and I spend the day at work and then sometimes spend time with each other after work, well maybe I force her to spend time with me?

I am trying to get rid of my feelings. But who am I kidding? I ruined it. So mission accomplished, if she liked me before, now she definitely hates me. I don't know why I did this, I want to get rid of my feelings but at the same time I don't want to. I want to hug her or speak deeply with her. I want to spend my days with her, I want her to see my house, and for the first time, I want to have a serious relationship. I want that but every single time I see her, my past comes before me, and I don't want to have a weak spot for anyone. I break her for her not to break me. Officially rule 7 is ruled out oh and rule 3, too.

She came 7 minutes late for God's sake and I did a facade out of it, she even seemed down today. She came with tears on her cheeks to the meeting. I just wanted to stand in front of her and caress her cheek wiping her tears away and telling her I'm sorry.

Dude, I love her and I just go ruining stuff like this, what the fuck? I have to get that L word out of my vocabulary. Wipe it with alcohol so it doesn't come back.

I was in the club, I spend more time here than I spend at my own house. I walked to the bar and sat next to Valentina, I just wanted to make sure she was ok.

"I'm going to have the same" "didn't you say you didn't like vodka?" Is she trying to make me like her even more "why are you here?" I asked her, "Excuse me?" "never mind" I shouldn't have said it, me and my stupid mouth. That's why I don't like talking, I make everything worse.

"No, no say it again" I swallowed the shots "I am here because I have the right to be wherever I want to be. I don't believe you seriously. Do you own this club?" I sat still looking down "no, you don't, and either way I'm leaving, bye. It's on him" I left money on the countertop and walked after her.

I shouted her name we walked outside and it was raining, how is she not freezing? "Valentina" I yelled "Valentina" I ran after her "stop walking after me I'm not joking, like literally," she said, "we need to talk," "talk about what?" She cried "How you maltreated me for coming late 7 minutes or for being bipolar all the time? Or not even saying good morning, it's not my fault for being in the same place as you are Mr. Pierce." I walked towards her but she walked backward "I'm sorry," she whispered as tears flew and she ran away, I just stopped, I ruined it.

I hate myself for not telling her sorry, or not telling her I didn't mean it, I should've told her I like her, told her I don't deserve her, told her I didn't want to break her and just wanted to protect her from me, protect her from being in my world.

I wanted to protect myself from getting hurt again, I should've told her she's beautiful, and I love her, but I couldn't I am an asshole for breaking the heart of such an amazing and breathtaking angel.

After an hour or two I was in my car driving around. I didn't want to go home, then I saw her and then she passed out right in front of a man's car. "do not go near her" I pointed at the man who was about to touch her. I went out and carried her inside my car.

I don't know what to do with her. Her chest is wheezing. I feel so guilty. Her head is on my chest and I feel nothing but pain. Ambulance.

She is in the hospital and I'm sure she doesn't want to know it's me who brought her here, I don't even know if she's awake, but I told them not to tell her that I am the one who brought her here.

Valentina POV

I woke up alone, as usual, and I groaned. Who brought me here? Why did they even bother? Why didn't they leave me? I pressed the nurse's button.

"Who brought me here?" "I don't know, I'm not allowed to give you this kind of information," I sigh "how long have I been here?" I asked him "it's Monday" "Hey" he came, the man I wanted to be here the least, yet wanted to see the most "Mia brought me here right? We have to go to work" I began getting up "no," he said, "then who" "no you have to relax," he stated with something in his eyes "I want to go to work" I said, "I just don't have my clothes" "you just woke up, you are not going to work. Valentina you need to rest. If it will make you feel better I will leave" he began walking away, I held his hand feeling real sparks, butterflies. It was the first time I touched him "no" I left it "don't" I looked him in the eyes "please"

I didn't sleep, we talked and talked and talked, I don't know why but I felt comfortable.

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