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So... Today marks the end of an incredible journey, and I have a mix of emotions that are difficult to put into words. When I posted Chapter 86, I felt immense happiness and relief that Sharar had finally reached its conclusion. However, as I shared the Epilogue, a sense of emptiness lingers. I hope you can understand this feeling. 🥺

First and foremost, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you. I never anticipated that Sharar would receive such a tremendous amount of love. A special thank you goes out to those who have been with me since day one. I know I haven't been consistent with updates, and there were times when I went MIA, yet you stayed, patiently waiting for each new chapter. Thank you for your unwavering support.❤️❤️

But, as Srk say, picture abhi baki hai, mere dost. I have three more stories related to Sharar in the pipeline. There's a prequel, which will delve into Hanan's parents' love story, a sequel that continues from the glimpse you got in the last scene, and a bonus story centered around Basim.

Now, here's the catch: I currently have several incomplete stories across various projects – in PKLS, PKD, and my three full novels. So, to ensure that I can give each story the attention it deserves, I've decided to focus on completing my current projects before starting anything new. I'm sure you're aware of my tendency to start new stories, so this decision will help me manage my workload better. Once the existing stories are complete, I'll be back with new ones. (Prequel, sequel and all...)

For any updates or announcements regarding the Prequel and Sequel, please keep Sharar in your library. I'll make sure to share all the exciting news here.

Now, let's talk about something important – feedback! 👉🏻👈🏻


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