Season 4/Chapter 29: Dreams & Resolutions

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3rd Pov.  (Clem's Dream)

Clem dreams of being on the train as her younger self. Lee walks up to her out of the shadows of the train.

Lee: Hey, sweet pea.

Clementine: Lee? 

He sits down next to Clementine as the train passes by the land. Trees and such moving real fast by them. 

Lee: Why the train? You always pick the train.

Clementine: I'm not sure. Maybe because this is where it all started. Where you taught me to shoot, and to cut my hair. Where you taught Y/n and I to be ready for what was coming.

Lee smiles. 

Lee: You were a quick study. So what's on your mind this time?

Clementine: I'm worried, Lee. Y/n and I've got a lot of people depending on us, and I don't know if what we're doing is right. 

Lee: Oh, I know that feeling. You know I was making it all up as I went along, right? Couldn't let on, of course. With you and him being so little.

Clem just shakes her head. 

Clementine: We never noticed or at least I didn't, I'm not sure about Y/n. It just felt like you always knew the right thing to do.

Lee: Yeah, well, I got lucky. Luck counts for a lot.

Clementine: I'm gonna need some now. We both will. 

Lee nods. 

Lee: You wanna tell me about what you're up against? You and Y/n. 

Clementine looks down, thinking about it all. How much everything is riding on their shoulders to get shit done. She and Y/n have dealt with stuff similar to this, but this is somehow different. 

Clementine: We're with a new group now. And we've been many...and they always fall apart, but I really like this one. He does, too. It's different. It almost feels like home.

Lee: That's a good thing. It's hard being out there with the world the way it is.

Clementine: But we're in trouble. Some bad people captured our friends, and getting them back might get the rest of us killed.

Lee looks at her with the same optimism he'd always had. 

Lee: I'm not worried.

Clementine: What? 

Lee: Whatever trouble you're in, you'll get out of it. You'll get your friends out of it.

Clem listens, but even she's not sure. 

Clementine: You don't know that. 

Lee: I know you're both survivors. The Clementine I know is gonna fix it. As long as Y/n's by your side and you're by his... There's nothing you can't accomplish. I really believe that.

She sniffles. 

Clementine: You're right. I just needed to hear you say it. We're going to get our friends out of this. Every one of them. Alive.

Lee: That's right. Imagine what Louis is gonna say when he sees your faces. Those boys are gonna have hope again, knowing that you came to rescue them. Aw, sweet pea. You know you always get like this before something big. Remember how scared you were before you charged into that mess at McCarroll Ranch? You survived that, didn't you?

Clementine: That was different. I only had to worry about Y/n and he can take care of himself better than anyone I've ever met. The others aren't like him. With him, I'm not as worried since I've always known what he's capable of but the others...

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