Chapter 34: On the Road Again

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Clementine, Y/n, and Lee make their way to the station. They walk up on the station's deck and look around to find nothing except for a few paint cans still full of white paint. However you can tell it's been awhile since it was used. On the roof of the place, the words "Survivors Inside" are written in big bold letters. 

Y/n: Is it just me or is this place a little creepy? 

Lee: Yeah, I get what you're feeling. Then again, that's kind of everything nowadays. 

Clementine: (Giggles) Well I think it's okay. C'mon Y/n, help me find a way in. 

With a nod, Y/n and Clementine walk ahead while Lee looks around the deck of the train station. There's a bunch of white paint splattered about as some of the cans have been knocked over, by either people, walkers, or the weather. It's hard to say at this point. Walking slightly ahead of Y/n, Clementine finds a door. 

Clementine: Y/n, over here!

Near the front of the train station, Clementine points out the door that leads inside the place. Y/n looks at it, noticing the slight scratch marks against it as well as some small splatters of blood on the bottom of the door. 

Y/n: Hm.

Not thinking much of it, Y/n goes to reach for the doorknob, but Clementine gently grabs his hand to stop him. She lets go of his hand as he turns to her, tilting his head with some slight confusion. 

Y/n: Clem? 

Clementine: Hold on, big guy. Let's wait for Lee. 

Speaking of Lee, he walks up behind the two and notices them standing in front of the door. He looks at Y/n first.

Lee: You should wait for me before trying to open doors.

Y/n: Sorry. 

And then to Clem. 

Lee: Try not to run off while we're searching for things. We don't know what could be out here. 

Clementine: Sorry. 

Lee: (Smiles) Luckily, it's locked. We'll get better at working together.

Y/n and Clementine nod, stepping to the side as Lee gets a better look at the door. He grabs the doorknob, wondering if it's possibly loose so he could pry it off. Fortunately or Unfortunately, it isn't budging. 

Y/n: I could just blast down the door with my fire. 

Clementine shakes her head. 

Clementine: What if there's something or someone inside? I don't think it's a good idea. 

Lee: Yeah, I'm with Clem on this one. Let's try to find another way in. 

The three look around for a solid minute until Clementine spots an open window at the top the door. It's open and leaning inside the station; it could be a way inside for the trio. So Clementine points it out. 

Clementine: Look, up there!

The two look up and spot the window. 

Clementine: Maybe I could look in?

Lee nods. 

Lee: Why don't I put you on my shoulders and you can peek into that window up there?

Clementine: Sounds good.

Clementine stands on Lee's shoulders and looks into the window.

Clementine: Okay, I can see in, what do I do now?

Y/n: What do you see? 

Clementine: Lots of crates and stuff.

Lee: Maybe we can find the key or figure out a way to knock this door down. 

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