Season 3/Chapter 6: Reunited

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3rd Pov. 

The group arrives in the train tunnel and Jesus is explaining the situation. 

Jesus: These tunnels were abandoned decades ago. But I've heard you can get through... Here's hoping.

The group walks along the tunnel, although Y/n and Clem stay towards the back of the group. Clementine had been getting more antsy the further the two had gone and Y/n noticed it in a split second. He grabs her hand gently and tilts his head, but she shakes her. The two silently communicate to each other, and come to the conclusion that it'd best for them to leave. They look at Javier with Clementine being the one to speak to him. 

Clementine: Javi, we need to talk to you.

Javier looks back at them. 

Javier: About? 

Clementine: Look, we appreciate you keeping quiet about us and the New Frontier. But what we told you earlier, it's not the whole truth. Look, we weren't their prisoner. We of them. 

Clementine rolls up her sleeve to reveal the brand on her upper left arm. Y/n does the same and shows that his brand is covered up by his ASCE tattoo. But by feeling it, you could definitely tell. Javier's eyes widen in shock having not known the true origin of the two and their connection to the New Frontier. 

Y/n: If you're wondering how this happened, well, lets just say I took a dip in a river while it happened. Though I'll admit, getting branded hurt way less the second time. 

Clementine: We should have told you sooner. 

Y/n: Yeah. We really should have. Our bad. 

Javier looks at them, unsure how to feel as a mixture of slight anger and more so shock fills his system. 

Javier: You guys were with those monsters?!

Y/n: Dude, chill. They're not all bad. 

Clementine: I'm not asking you to forgive us... But you have to understand. We had no choice.

Thinking back, Y/n remembers Ava and what she'd said to them. 

Y/n: (Sighs) They had food. Supplies. We were pretty much alone, Javi. You don't know what that's like. Sure we had each other and... well... that's not important. But things were bad or almost getting there. 

The three stop walking. 

Clementine: It was a mistake. And so was not telling you about it.

Javier: Look, I'm sure you guys had your reasons.

Y/n: We did. 

Clementine: I just had to explain, because if they're really in control in Richmond, we can't let them see us. We just... can't. So when we reach the other side of this tunnel, we're leaving. Y/n and I. 

Y/n nods, but Conrad calls back to them. 

Conrad: Y'all planning on joining us?

Tripp: Shh!

They catch up to the rest of the group and the place is pretty quiet. It's almost like night time in the tunnel due to the lack of light inside and while it's low, there's some noise coming from the area around them. 

Tripp: You all hear that?

Javier: Coming from over there.

Jesus: Can you see anything?

Javier shines his flashlight on a group of walkers and unfortunately their entire group is surrounded by the dead, almost completely engulfed by them. And what's worse is they unfortunately got the walkers to notice them...

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