Season 3/Chapter 20: Consequences

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3rd Pov. 

Inside the stairwell, the group is standing with the knowledge that they're relatively safe for now since the door is completely welded shut with things propped up against it. Nothing's getting in this way. However, there could still be some danger so they aren't fully off the hook as of now. It has all gone down hill. This community and the people in it are fucked from the looks of things.

Javier: That should hold them for now.

Y/n: It better. If these things can bust down welded steel doors now then I think we've got bigger problems on our hands. Not to mention the new fast ones. I've seen jogging ones, but sprinters? Fuck this world is getting messy.

David looks at Gabe. 

David: You put up a good fight out there.

Gabe: Hey, Dad. I'm glad you made it out.

Kate looks at the group and thinks about Joan; how she could still be looking for them. 

Kate: Joan's probably looking for us.

Gabe looks at Kate. 

Gabe: No. She isn't. Y/n killed her. 

Kate: What?

Kate looks at him and Y/n just shrugs. 

Y/n: Is what it is. She was a threat and had to be taken out. 

David: Good riddance.

Javier looks at Gabe. 

Javier: Joan doesn't deserve your pity. Think how many people have starved because of her. How many people lost their families and homes because of her? Killing Joan was the only way to stop it.

Gabe: But it didn't stop. Now everything's worse. 

Clementine: He had to save Tripp and Ava. Not to mention your dad. So show Y/n a little respect. If it wasn't for him people who actually mattered to us would be dead. Well, people that matter to you guys. 

Y/n: Well said. We saved those who were a part of our crew and as for the others? Fuck'em. They don't matter in the long run to us. We didn't even want to come back, we already had the info we needed about our family. 

Clementine: But we still decided to stay behind and help you assholes finish what you started. 

Y/n: Exactly. 

The two hold the other's hand. 

Y/n: You guys can think all the moral or immoral bullshit you want, but at the end of the day what's done is done. Ain't no way of fixing it no matter how you slice it. 

Gabe: But it all lead to this! All those innocent people, dead!

David looks at his son and can see what that he's upset over what took place. All the dead. 

David: I'm just trying to protect you, Gabe. I lost you once. I won't let it happen again. Okay? Joan deserved everything that was coming to her. She'd already took your sister; Joan... she would've killed the rest of us, too, even if we left. She would've come after us. 

Javier places his hands on his sides. 

Javier: We made it through alive. Let's just be glad about that.

David: We need to check the other entrances. Make sure we're safe. Gabe, wanna help me out?

Gabe looks at Javier, looking for what he thinks he should do. 

Gabe: Javi? 

David: Gabriel!

Turning to Gabe, Javier places his hand on his shoulder to give him some comfort. To let him know it's okay. 

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