Chapter 32: What Could Go Wrong?

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Kenny: Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

Everyone stands outside of the train, now looking at the overpass as a gas truck hangs off the edge and blocks the road in front of them. With the gas truck the way, there's no way they'll be able to pass through. 

Ben: Maybe we could walk?

Kenny doesn't even bother looking back, but still tells Ben how dumb of an idea that is. 

Kenny: That's fucking stupid, Ben.

Ben: I'm just sayin'...

Looking at the truck filled with fuel, Y/n sees the logo on the side. It's logo showing a large blue and white logo that says "PSVF" in all capitals. Knowing what a little amount of gas can do, he's a little hesitant to approach it. 

Y/n: I think I might just stay away from that thing. 

Carley, Lee, and Clementine look at him. 

Y/n: Y'know, fire and gas aren't exactly a calm combination. 

Lee: Yeah, that might be a good idea. 

Carley: I second that notion. 

Clementine looks at Y/n and reaches out to him, grabbing his hand. 

Clementine: As long as you don't use your power around it, it'll be okay. So, don't worry. 

He nods to her and Chuck hops off the train, walking up next to Kenny as he looks upon the hanging portion of the truck. 

Chuck: Hmm. I dunno. I ain't got much experience with y'all's fortitude but we could probably deal with that. We got a goddamn train.

Kenny: (Sighs) That thing's not full of milk, Charles. That's gas or diesel; something that's going to explode.

He looks at Chuck, who turns back to look at him. 

Chuck: You gotta get ahold of yourself. This a crew here.

Kenny walks up to him, annoyed, and gets in his face. 

Kenny: This ain't shit.

Chuck: This-

Before Chuck can finish however, a male voice calls to them from the top of the overpass. 

Guy: Yo, you keep screaming like that and you're gonna get your face chewed off.

The guys quickly turn around as the others look toward the top of the overpass, finding two strangers at the top. A short guy with brown hair and a tall mixed woman in a purple coat. 

Woman: Are you guys gonna be trouble? Because we could've just kept walking.

Kenny stares at the two as he reaches for his gun just in case they're trouble while the others walk up. Lee calls up to them, but unlike Kenny he's not brash with his words. Trying to act a little more polite. 

Lee: No, we're friendly. 

He looks at Kenny. 

Lee: Put your hand down, Ken.

He turns back to the woman up top who looks down on them all, skeptically. 

Woman: That's what everybody says.

Lee: We know.

Y/n looks at the two people while making sure Clementine was close to him, just in case. After everything that had happened, he wasn't going to let his guard down so easily this time. It isn't going to be like last time. 

Y/n: (Whisper) Stay close, Clem. 

Clementine: (Nods) Okay. 

His hat keeps the sun from his eyes as he keeps his eye on the two newcomers. With his guitar on his back and baseball bat in hand, Y/n keeps Clementine behind him. Meanwhile, up top, the guy looks at the woman as they talk to one another. 

Guy: Let's give these guys a break.

Woman: We'll see.

The guy looks down at Kenny. 

Guy: You guys got a problem with your train?

Kenny: Yeah, you're standing right in front of it.

The guy laughs. 

Guy: Dude, it's a wreck. It's not so bad from up here. Send your buddy up to have a look.

Lee starts to walk forward, but Kenny stops him. 

Kenny: (Whisper) Anything goes sideways up there, we won't let them escape.

Lee nods and heads towards the ladder, but before he does, he goes over to Carley and whispers to her. 

Lee: If anything goes sideways, protect the kids at all costs. 

Carley: (Nods) Yeah, of course. 

With that, Lee heads over to the ladder that's on the side of the overpass. From the bottom, he grabs onto it, but before he heads up he calls out to them. 

Lee: If I come up there, you better not be murderers or thieves.

Woman: I guess you'll have to find out.

Carley, Y/n, and Clementine watch as Lee climb the ladder, but are a little worried for him. And surprisingly, Clem is the first of the three to start walking towards the ladder. Carley calls out to her. 

Carley: Clem, what are you doing? 

Clementine turns back. 

Clementine: I think we should follow Lee, just in case. C'mon... Please? 

She looks at Y/n. 

Clementine: Don't you think we should? 

Y/n thinks for a second and nods. 

Y/n: I agree. It's a lot safer when there are others around to help. 

Carley looks at the kids, and despite her best judgement, she decides to go along with their plan. With a sigh, she looks at the kids, pinching the bridge of her nose before looking up once more.

Carley: Fine, but If something happens, I want you both get down before they try anything. 

Y/n: Cool. 

Towards the top of the ladder, Lee is slowly making his way up as he overhears the two speaking to on another. 

Guy: A group of guys is what we need.

Woman: They're what you think we need. We're doing fine.

Guy: For now. What about when-

Woman: Stop it.

Lee finally reaches the top, not knowing that the other three are at the bottom of the ladder now. He climbs off the ladder and stands up straight, seeing the new strangers in front of him. The short guy is the first to speak, waving to Lee as he does while the woman just stares at him. 

Guy: Hey, dude, I'm Omid.

Lee: Lee. 

Woman: Christa. What's the deal with the train?

Lee: We're driving it.

Omid looks surprised, but in a good way. 

Omid: Oh, man. 

Lee looks at the two. 

Lee: I'm not gonna bullshit you. Our group is a little fucked right now. We had a bite victim and then his mom took her life and before that, just...

Christa: It's okay.

Suddenly, Omid and Christa spot two people standing behind Lee and one more coming up the ladder. 

Omid: Oh, shit! Goddamn, you guys have kids!

Surprised, Lee turns around to find the kids standing behind him and Carley climbing up. 

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