Season 2/Chapter 56: A Misplaced Step

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3rd Pov. 

The group slowly walk across the lake, sometimes making small cracks in the ice. They're all spread out as to not put a lot of pressure on any particular part of the ice so it doesn't end up breaking. Y/n is close to Clem, but not too close, and Molly is toward the front of the pack with Carley. 

Luke: We're okay. Don't worry.

Just as Luke says this however, a herd of walkers approaches from the forest. They'd been drawn by the yelling of the others only moments before hand. The herd starts heading for the cold lake, putting a real time crunch on the survivors. Molly looks back and sees the herd of walkers so she tells the others.  

Molly: Shit, we've got company. 

Everyone looks back and the severeness of the situation hits them all, especially Y/n who is not taking the iced over lake too well. He's been punched, shot at, burned, and chased by walkers... but this was what truly unnerved him. 

Y/n: (Mind) Of course, because why not? Fucking lake is already cracking under my feet and if I think about using my power I'll just melt the ice and die anyway. My luck sucks ass. 

Clementine notices Y/n and calls out to him. 

Clementine: Hey! It's going to be alright, just keep moving!

Y/n nods and Carley looks at the walkers, but turns her head back toward the half built home. 

Carley: There's not that many. We should be alright. Let's just get to the house.

Arvo gets a bit ahead of the others, but Kenny notices. 

Kenny: Hey, stay with us!

Two walkers fall into the lake after making it to the ledge, causing splinter cracks to run across the ice.

Mike: Fuck!

Jane: That's two less to deal with.

Bonnie: We'll just stay spread out and we'll be fine.

Carley: If only it were that easy... I have a feeling something might go down. It always does. 

The group keeps moving across the ice, trying not to break it, but suddenly Arvo starts to run toward the house. Kenny notices him and calls out in anger, noticing what Arvo's doing. 

Kenny: Hey! Motherfucker.

Kenny chases Arvo and the others see him, so of course Arvo's hero comes to his rescue. 

Mike: Shit, he's gonna kill him.

Mike goes after Kenny and more small cracks begin to spread across the ice, causing the ice to grow weaker and weaker the more pressure is applied. Molly sighs, just focusing on not falling through the ice as does Carley. Clementine looks at Y/n worried about Kenny, but he, like Molly, is more focusing on not falling through the ice. 

Bonnie: God, Kenny!

Kenny: Get back here, you piece of shit!

The ice breaks beneath Arvo, and he falls partially into the lake. Kenny catches up to him and stares at him as he struggles to pull himself from his position in the ice. 

Kenny: I should let you drown, you piece of shit.

Kenny pulls Arvo out of the hole in the ice. Mike, Kenny, and Arvo reach the other side of the lake. Arvo trips and falls on the ground just as Molly and Carley make it across as well. Easily, too. 

Jane: Well, they made it.

Jane keeps moving. But all of sudden the ones left on the ice, Bonnie, Clem, and Y/n hear cracking. They all look back at Luke, who stands on severely fractured ice which seems as though it'll give with just one more step much to their dismay.

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