Season 4/Chapter 7: Sentimental

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Y/N Pov. 

After Clementine, AJ, and Brody come out with the spears. I put my boots back on after drying my feet using my flames and we start to fish with the spears. I go out onto the water with Violet as she tries to spear one, but misses by a fraction of an inch. 

Violet: Shit. 

Y/n: You were close, it's no big deal. 

I look back at Clem who comes over with a spear in hand. 

Clementine: Can I join you?

Y/n: The more, the merrier sweetness. 

Violet looks over at the river current and points it out to Clementine. 

Violet: Hey, check out these guys over here.

Clementine: They're swimming against the current.

Y/n: I guess they don't realize it makes them easier to catch. Then again, they are fish so I doubt they'd understand that. 

Clementine and I look at the fish, but AJ walks over by us. He stares at the water. 

AJ: I wanna try.

Violet: Take a spear. Go nuts.

AJ grabs his spear and Clementine has hers in hand as we go over by the fish. In unison, we're all able to get one. As we're able to stab them, we put them in the bucket and that makes three very decent sized fishes for dinner. While AJ continues to go at it, hunting the fish, Violet comes back over to Clem and I. 

Violet: Hey, um, sorry if I was weird last night...about the whole room thing. Seeing someone else in there... Uh, it was harder than I expected. You'd think I'd be less sentimental by now.

I look at her and take off my hat, holding it out to her. She looks at it for a moment, but takes it in her hands. 

Y/n: That hat and my necklace are gifts I was given by my parents. I've worn them for years and still feel attached to them. Even though they've been dead for years, I still can't imagine parting with them. So don't feel weird about having some emotional ties to stuff. It just goes to show the memories you had were good enough to look back on. 

Clementine nods and I take my hat back, placing it on my head. 

Clementine: He's right. Same goes for me and my hat. Either way, we're glad you stopped by and that we got to know each other.

Violet lightly grins. 

Violet: Uh, yeah. I guess I am, too.

We keep on fishing and Clem manages to stab another one, while I get two while AJ catches a final smaller one. But still a fish either way, making it seven decently sized fish that have been caught. Violet is standing closer to Clem and I, but suddenly Brody calls over and like before her mood slightly change.

Brody: Heads-up, guys, the haul's not looking that great!

Violet looks over at her and it's clear that she's still a little peeved even after the talk. But it's not like it's possible for her to instantly change how she reacts to someone. Not after all this time. It is going to take some time. 

Violet: Uh, yeah, okay!

She rolls her eyes and I look at her. 

Y/n: Violet, are you okay? 

Violet: (Sigh) I know what we talked about and stuff, but... God. Sometimes she just gets on my last nerve, you know? 

I know she doesn't mean it. Violet's still trying to get over the anger she has at herself and as she does, some of it is going to be redirected at Brody. It's normal that she won't instantly be able to get rid of that anger, but I hope it won't take long. 

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