Season 2/Chapter 8: A House Divided

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Y/N Pov. 

After running away from the River, Clementine, Nick, and I ran into a shed that was close by the river. Walkers pound on the shed that we're hiding in. We try to hold the doors closed, but the walkers knock Nick away from the door. However, Clementine and I manage to shut them back. 

Y/n: Shit, this isn't good. 

Clementine: What's the plan here, Nick?!

We look toward Nick, but he walks away from the door. 

Clementine: What are you doing?! Nick?!

Y/n: Damn, it. 

We struggle to hold the doors closed as a walker tries to get in, but Nick pushes a crate against the doors and then sits in a chair back by the wall. Clementine and I take a breath, sitting down for a second near Nick. I look at Nick as he sits in his chair, looking like depressed after Pete. It's not fun losing people, but we can't let that stop us. 

Y/n: I'm sorry about Pete, Nick. 

Nick looks down. 

Nick: Whatever. 

He looks up after a pause. 

Nick: Why'd you leave my uncle? Back at the stream. Why'd you follow me?

Clementine: Pete got bit. Back in the stream. He wasn't going to make it.

Y/n: Yeah, and if you're thinking about blaming anyone then blame me. I made the decision to pull Clem with me over to you. Pete just got unlucky and there wasn't anything we could do to help him. 

Clementine sits closer to me and looks at Nick. 

Clementine: What do we do now?

Nick: I don't care. 

Clementine: If we're stuck here, we should at least look around. Maybe we can find something to help us get out of here.

Nick: Knock yourself out. 

I sigh and stand up with Clementine. We walk away from Nick as he wallows in his sadness for the time being. Standing more toward the back shelves in the shed, Clementine starts to pace around. 

Clementine: What are we going to do? 

Y/n: I'm not sure. Nick is grieving and is practically useless right now. 

Clem stops pacing and looks at me. 

Clementine: I know Pete was bit, but maybe going with him was the better decision. 

Y/n: Yeah, I think we got the short end of the stick. But we'll figure this out like we always do. 

I take my guitar off my back and lean it against the shelf nearby. I look back at Clementine and she walks up to me. I can tell she's worried, but of course she puts on a brave face to act even a little more tough. Though I think she does it more for me than herself because of how much I do tend to worry. 

Clementine: You're right. No matter what happens, we'll get through this. Even if our odds are kind of ass. 

Y/n: Just gotta find a way out. There's always a way out. 

We start to search around the cabin together, looking for anything that we could possibly use to help us out of this precarious situation. I'm going to avoid using my fire as I had seen an alcohol still in here towards the back when we first ran into this place. Alcohol and fire are not a fine pair if you ask me. Clementine moves a piece of plywood and I notice that behind it was a shelf that's filled with little jars. 

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