Season 4/Chapter 4: Troubled Youths

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Y/N Pov. 

After Clementine hands me her fake flowers, I put them in my back pocket. But before I can say anything else, Louis speaks up from his piano where he'd be playing a little in the background; it's admittedly better since I fixed it up. 

Louis: You're not dead. That's good. Y/n and I watched the kid.

AJ turns to him. 

AJ: My name is AJ.

Louis: Excuse me. I helped watch AJ for you. Though I will say I don't see the family resemblance from either of you. 

I roll my eyes, as does Clem, because I can tell Louis is trying to be funny and failing. 

Y/n: He's our kid, but not our kid if you catch me. 

Louis: (Nods) Ah, adopted. I get it. 

Clementine: If you want to put it like that, sure. Either way, thank you. Hope he didn't cause you any trouble. 

I look at Clem and smile. 

Y/n: Only the fun kind. 

I turn back to Louis and pick up my guitar from the floor, putting it over my back.

Louis: He was a bit of handful. But I got off light compared to what Ruby went through. Thankfully Ace of Spades was here to help. 

I shake my head at the nickname Louis gave me, but it's easy to see he's just messing around. Louis was useful in keeping AJ from getting to upset by helping me distract him with music. I love my boy, but AJ can be handful to handle alone. I'm sure my parents or Lee would've said the same thing about us, though. 

Clementine: AJ doesn't like people coming up behind him.

AJ stares down Louis. 

AJ: Don't ever do it.

Louis: (Grins) Loud and clear, little man.

He turns back around to face his piano. 

Louis: Thankfully, we were here to calm him down with our alluring music. I would even dare to say we'd make a great band or one hell of a cover band at least. I'm Louis.

Clementine: Clementine. 

Suddenly Louis looks at me.

Louis: Oh, yeah! Totally forgot. Marlon left your bags here somewhere.

Y/n: I know, I saw them over by the corner. I'll go get them. 

I walk over to the corner and grab our stuff. I bring it back over by the others and hand Clementine her bag. Out of it, she pulls out her knife to put away in her pocket whilst I withdraw/grab my bat from my backpack. I swing it around and up onto my shoulder. 

Y/n: Nothing better than a baseball bat. 

I look down at AJ. 

Y/n: Gonna have to find you one, slugger.

Clementine chuckles. 

Clementine: Until then, he'll stick with this. 

She takes out his revolver and hands it to him as Louis watches us. By the look on his face that I can see in my Peripheral vision, he's fairly surprised. I even get an audible "Um" out of him. Do I find it funny? Yes. Yes, I do. 

Louis: Um...

AJ inspects the chamber of his revolver. 

Louis: Double um... Does he...know what that is?

I look at Louis. 

Y/n: Of course. Why else would we give him the gun? 

I shake my head and AJ points out the dirt on his gun. 

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