Chapter 39: Not So Quiet Streets

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Y/N Pov. 

It's been about twenty minutes since Lee, Kenny, and Carley left to go to the river. They're hoping to find boats there. In the meantime, Clementine and I are still in the house as we continue to walk around it, bored. 

Clementine: Do you think the others are at the river yet? 

Y/n: I'm not sure. I think they're probably there. 

Clementine: Hm... 

We go to walk back up the stairs when Christa calls over to us. 

Christa: Kids, what are you doing? 

I look at her and point to the top of stairs. 

Y/n: We're just gonna go play upstairs. 

Christa: Alright. Be careful. 

Clementine: We will. 

As we go back to walking up the stairs, we reach the top in a few seconds before going back into the office room. Clementine looks out of the window while I go and sit back in the office's chair. My guitar and baseball bat are also up here now, as I grabbed them a little while earlier and they are resting on the couch. 

Y/n: Clem, what are you thinking about? 

She doesn't say anything for a second, but then turns back to me. Her face has a concerning look on it. 

Clementine: We should go after them. 

I pause and tip my hat up. 

Y/n: What? 

Clementine quickly stands up and walks over to the front of the desk I'm sitting at. She points to outside the window, but keeps her eyes focused on me. 

Clementine: I know Lee said we should stay back, but we've gotta at least see if there's any sign of our parents out there. Just in case. Y'know? 

I sigh and stand up, walking around the desk to stand in front of her with my arms crossed. 

Y/n: I don't know, Clem. First of all there's some stranger out there stalking us, and secondly Savannah's full of walkers. I think he wanted us to stay back because it's safer for us to do so. I'm... not so sure leaving is a good idea. 

Clementine looks at me and grabs my hands, getting closer to me. 

Clementine: I know it's dangerous, but I also know you can protect us. We have to see if our parents are out there. I have to see...

I look at her and she starts giving me her puppy dog eyes... 

Y/n: This isn't exactly a smart idea, but screw it. I guess it couldn't hurt to go see. 

Clementine smiles and hugs me as she places her head on my chest. 

Clementine: Thanks. 

I hug her back, sighing while I do. 

Y/n: You're lucky you're so cute. Otherwise your eyes might not have worked. 

Clem laughs. 

Clementine: They are my secret weapon. 

We stop hugging and I walk over to grab my baseball bat from the couch, leaving my guitar. I look back to Clementine while I put my guitar over my shoulder. 

Y/n: Do you know how to get to River Street? 

Clem nods. 

Clementine: Yeah. And I also know how we can sneak out without being seen by the others. 

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