Season 3/Chapter 21: No Child Left Behind

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3rd Pov. 

After jumping off the balcony, Y/n uses his fire from his feet to send him flying like a rocket. With Clem on his back, he had to be careful, but he knew she'd be fine. Most people in Clem's position would be pissing their pants, but she has faith in him that he won't drop her. As he uses fire for a boost, he makes it over to one of the other apartment buildings across the way. Below there's a lot of walkers. 

Y/n: Alright, I think this is fine here. 

Clem hops off of his back and the two look over the edge. All the walkers below aren't able to get inside the building. Luckily somebody must've managed to barricade the door before they could break it down. The two look into the crowd of the dead and aren't seeing any little kid walkers, a short adult one but no kids. 

Clementine: I think that's a good sign, don't you? 

Y/n: Good? Yes. But unfortunately it doesn't exactly tell us she's going to be in the building, just that she's not dead. Or at least I don't believe she could be. 

He starts to look around the roof and comes to find one of those doors that lead into the building by the opposite side of the roof. Clem follows him and he tries to open it, but it's stuck...great. This means he's going to have to bust down the door. Clem looks at the door, coming to the conclusion it's locked. 

Clementine: Be careful. Try not to bring down the building. 

Y/n: Well, I'm trying to bring the kid back alive. Not in pieces. And believe it or not, I can actually think smart. Watch and learn from the master, my lovely future wife. 

He takes off the baseball bat from his back and lights it on fire. Going toward the side somewhat so the bat can be more level with the knob, he pulls his arm up and swings down. With some little amount of force, a good amount of fire, and a touch of technique, Y/n is able to tear off the door handle. As it falls off, the door opens up only for them to find an empty stairwell that leads them into the building further. 

Clementine: I think we should've asked which floor they were on. 

Y/n: Yeah, well, coulda... shoulda... woulda. 

Clementine: I'm not sure if there are walkers in here, maybe people who made it inside after being bitten. We've gotta stay on our guard just in case my feeling is correct. 

Y/n: No sweat. We'll be in and out before you know it. 

The duo walk down the stairs and land on the highest floor where there are a bunch of doors. Some are opened fully, others are creaked, but only one at the end of the hall is actually shut. However, that's not the only thing they notice as they hear crying coming from inside the place and outside the door are a couple walkers. Some have bite marks on their necks or visible ones on their arms. 

Clementine: Shit, looked like I was right. I was hoping I wasn't. 

Y/n: Well, let's make this quick. Even if it isn't Ida, we can't just leave some kid to be killed by these things. 

Clementine: True. Let's get their attention. 

Y/n pulls off his guitar and strums a few notes, like a similar twinkie loving florida man, getting the attention of the walkers at the end of the hall. And of course two just had to be sprinters. A single one turns it's head before the others follow suit and two come sprinting towards them as the rest slowly walk. Due to the tight space and short distance, both a big blast of flame is out of the question and a flame bullet might not be accurate enough. He's going to have to do this like the old days. 

The two walkers sprint towards the kids, with one being slightly slower than the others, and one jumps on top of Y/n, but he holds it back using his bat. It tries to bite at him, but Clem shoots it in the head and Y/n shoves it off of himself. While Clem is distracted, she doesn't realize the other is almost on top of them but luckily Y/n has her back and swings his bat while he's still on the floor, taking out the walker's knee. As it's head strikes the ground, he shoots it in the head with a flame bullet and Clem helps him up.

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