Season 2/Chapter 21: Locked Up

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3rd Pov. 

As everyone is sitting in the back of the truck, Kenny has enough of waiting around and looks towards the others. All of their hands are bound in rope and even if they weren't, everyone is too...depressed to do anything. 

Kenny: Alright, we gotta do something. Come on. Anyone got anything sharp? Anything? We need to get these bindings off! Hey! Clem, help me find something to get these off. Anything sharp that could cut these...

Rebecca looks at Kenny, annoyed. 

Rebecca: And what good is that gonna do?

Kenny: The hell is wrong with you people? We gotta get out of here.

Clementine looks over at Kenny, her thoughts still mostly on Y/n and how he is at the moment. She silently prays that he's fine, but she'll just have to wait and see. Hopefully, he's still alright. After a moment of thinking, she asks Kenny what she should look for in order to get out of the ropes. 

Clementine: Like what?

Kenny: What do you mean, "like what"? Something sharp. Anything that can help! A fucking--I don't know. Anything! We're in a fucking precarious position here. We gotta do something about that!

The others in the back look at him and try to get him to calm down as the back of the uhaul shakes a little bit as it goes over a bump. Carlos looks at Kenny, much like Rebecca had, but nothing will get through to him. 

Carlos: Settle down, Kenny. They took everything. We have to keep a level head.

Rebecca: He's right. You don't know Bill like we do.

Kenny scoffs. 

Kenny: Bill? This whole time it's Carver, Carver, Carver, now he's fucking Bill? Oh, I see what it is. Y'all are just getting a ride home, aren't ya? That's what's going on here.

Nick glares at Kenny. 

Nick: Say that again.

Kenny: I'd stay out of this, boy.

Nick: Mister, I ain't a boy.

Kenny rolls his eyes. 

Kenny: No, right. You're a man...

As the others start to argue with Kenny, Clementine leans back against the wall and starts to play with her hands. While she does she starts to think to herself about Y/n, wondering if he's thinking about her, too. 

Clementine: (Mind) Everyone's captured and Y/n's in the hands of some creepy bitch. I swear, I'll figure something out. I'll get him out of there, but not before putting a bullet in her head. There's gotta be something we can do. 

She starts looking around the truck for anything sharp as Rebecca continues talking to Kenny. However, it's less talking and more pleading at this point with a mixture of annoyance as well.

Rebecca: You don't understand. He's different... he's worse.

Kenny: The fuck are you talking about?

Rebecca: He wants to punish us.

As Clem hears them talking, she turns her head and looks at Rebecca. A little annoyed about all this, especially with Y/n gone. 

Clementine: You could've warned us! Now they have Y/n and we're trapped in here! 

Kenny: Yeah, you didn't tell us he was a fucking psychopath! Not to mention that girl of his.

Carlos: You have no idea what you're dealing with!

Kenny yells back. 

Kenny: Oh, he gave me a pretty good goddamn idea back at the lodge, and I don't intend to sit around here and let that happen to the rest of us! I'm trying to help!

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