Season 4/Chapter 13: Familiar Faces

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3rd Pov. 

Walking away from the school, the trio start to head towards the road but stop for a second to take a look at the sky. Clem and Y/n are side by side one another with AJ ahead of them a little bit. They look up at the sky and find that the light is starting to turn more orange instead of it's typical bright yellow. Meaning that the sun's setting soon and the darkness isn't something the three need to be wandering around in. 

Clementine: Let's get going. The sun'll set soon.

Y/n: I'd give it maybe thirty minutes to an hour at most. 

They start walking, but AJ looks back at them and asks how they knew. 

AJ: How do you know?

Clementine: I don't know, we can just feel it.

AJ: How? 

Y/n: There's this cold that settles on our skin. It happens right before a storm, too. Especially since I feel the change the temperature even more drastically than a normal person can. 

AJ looks confused. 

AJ: I don't feel that.

Clementine: Hm. You haven't been on the road as long as we have.

Y/n wraps his arm around Clem's side and she leans in closer to him. Even though the situation is kind of sucky at the moment, Y/n's optimism is still going strong. Although AJ and Clem can't say the same. 

AJ: Guys? 

Clementine: Hm? 

Y/n: What's up? 

AJ, looking a little worried, looks down for a moment before looking back up at them. 

AJ: Will we be okay? I thought we were done running from all the bad people. And the monsters.

Clementine: Of course we'll be okay. We're used to this.

AJ: I hate it out here. I wish we could go back.

Y/n: So do we, but don't worry you guys. There will be a place even better than school and I bet we'll find it. We just gotta do what we always do and survive-

Before Y/n can finish his sentence, he's abruptly cut off by a gun that blasts through the tree right beside them. It had gone through Y/n, but his body phased through the blast to protect himself subconsciously. 

Clementine: Hide!

Quickly, Y/n grabs Clem and AJ, shoving them behind a tree with him. He peeks out and looks at the figure walking through the forest, only to discover that it's Abel holding a shotgun. Although he's missing one arm unlike last time. 

Abel: Now, come on out. I saw a couple of you on the road. How long you think you can hide?

Y/n: (Whisper) Shit. 

AJ: That's the man from the train station?

Clementine: Yes. 

Peeping around the corner, Y/n sees Abel looking all around for them. However, he isn't quite able to find them. Turning to meet the other two, he asks Clementine about what they should do. 

Y/n: Should I just kill him or do you think there are more around here? I really doubt he's alone.

AJ: I thought he died.

Clementine: You can survive a bite, if you cut it off fast enough. 

Looking at Clem, Y/n decides to take care of Abel himself. 

Y/n: Stay here. Protect AJ just in case. 

She nods and Y/n takes off his hat, slipping it in his bag so he's not as noticeable. Orange does stand out quite a lot. 

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