Chapter 44

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"I'm too fat for this dress, gosh dangit!"  I screamed and stomped my foot childishly. "Who talked me into getting this dress in the first place?! I look ridiculous!"

My mother rolled her eyes, "Honey, YOU picked your own dress... and you have it on backwards!" She came up to me and helped me spin it around. "Look, it fits perfectly." I growled and reached for a chocolate covered cannoli, which was conveniently stacked on the table for me to take.

"No!" Star screamed and snatched the cannoli fro my hand. "You will NOT ruin your white dress. You will NOT ruin your makeup. And your hands will NOT be sticky. You may be pregnant and moody, but I'm taking over as bridesmaid-zilla! Do NOT. MESS. WITH. ME!!" She threw the desert across the room, making it splatter across the wall. "Now, you look perfect. Come outside with me and take a picture before everyone starts to show up." She took my hand and began to drag me until I dug my heels into the ground and halted to a stop. Star nearly fell over and spun around to glare.

"Pregnant, remember? The little devil is especially antsy today, I guess because they sense everything going on?" I rubbed my stomach feeling my son or daughter kick. I refused to know what the gender of my child so that when the time came, I could be like, surprise!

"Well, you're due in June so my little niece or nephew should be ready to wrestle around by now!" Ryder strut in, with a proud smile on his face. "You two look beautiful," he kissed Star on the forehead.

She shoved him away as if he were the plague, "Do not mess up my makeup. Now, Tyler. Stand in the middle of the aisle." Groaning as Ryder laughed, I trudged over to the aisle but couldn't help but smile. "Ready? One. Two. Three."

"Beautiful! Now, go back inside! I hear people coming!" Star urged

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"Beautiful! Now, go back inside! I hear people coming!" Star urged.

"Hey Ty?" Ryder yelled out as I made my way back inside. I looked over my shoulder. "He's so happy, he hugged his father and completely forgave him. You brought his life back together, you know that? Thank you." With a final smile, he hugged Star one last time and went back to my groom.

I made it back to the room were my mom stood with a teary-eyed father. "Hey dad," I waved.

He marched over with a stern look on his face and said, "I'm proud of you. So, so, proud of you, baby girl." His arms wrapped around me in a tight hug before he pulled away with a sniffle. "Are you ready?"

I shrugged.

"Did you just... SHRUG?!" Star screamed. "She just... Are you kidding me?! UNGRATEFUL!!" She stomped out the door, slamming it behind her.

My dad chuckled and kissed my mother's forehead before she followed Star out. Unlike Star, she made it out calm. My dad asked, "It's our turn. Any second thoughts?"

"Never. He will always be my first thought. You know, until this one joins the party." I pat my stomach gently and took a deep breath, glancing at the door to my fate.  "I'm ready."

He looped his arm through mine and together we walked through that door. Tori was waiting for us, and smiled brightly before walking down the aisle, throwing flowers left and right. My mother and Star had previously gone up, and while my mother was seated, Star was standing on my side of the alter waiting. Frankie, who had registered and been licensed for the right to marry two individuals online was standing at the alter as well, dressed like a priest. We did ask him to do that, that was his own choice. Only, instead of a bible, he was holding Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Ryder pat Logan's shoulder, winking at me as we made eye contact. Then, my eyes found my mate's. Twinkling with tears of joy, Logan's face went blank. I began to freak out, wondering if he didn't like the way I looked. But then, a sob racked his body. He turned to Ryder, who looked just as panicked as I was, and cried a little more. Ryder pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his alpha's eyes and asked what was wrong. Logan simply composed himself a bit, turned around, and with the brightest smile I've ever seen on him he said, "I never thought she could get any more beautiful."

That's when my heart burst. Along with something else... I froze. My guest's eyebrows furrowed. The musicians hesitated, and slowed the music. I looked at my father, who was looking at me in concern. "We-uh..." I began to walk backwards. Logan lost his smile. Star looked beyond furious. "My..." I winced, and squeezed my father's arm, causing him to yelp in pain. "Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. Not now! I mean, really? Right now? Ugh, I think I'm going to be- oh god!"

"Tyler, what are you doing?" Logan asked broken-heartedly.

I grimaced, "We gotta take this whole thing somewhere else."

Frankie and Star sputtered at the same time, "Excuse me?"

"My-" I screamed, nails digging into my dad's arm. "Why?! Like, seriously? You couldn't wait?!"

"Are you okay, Tyler?" Ryder asked.

I pushed myself away from my dad and kicked the shoes off my feet. "Do I look okay to you?! Oh my-Dean Winchester take the wheel! Holy mother of Castiel." Taking deep breaths, I hunched over while my dad held my shoulders, unsure of what to do. "My-"

"Your?" My brother cut in.


"Your... shoes are uncomfortable?" He guessed.


"Your... Dress is ugly? I mean it's not exactly my taste but if you like it..." Oh My Gawd Frankie SHUT UP!!!


This time, Logan butt-in with words that broke my heart. "We need to hold off the wedding? Tyler, if you feel pressured into this, I will wait. We can wait until we are fifty if we have to! I don't want you to feel put off if this is not what you want right now. If you want we can-"

"THE BABY IS COMING!" I screeched, cutting him off. "Jesus Christ, my water broke like five minutes ago! Let's go!"

"Everybody?" Star asked.

I nodded as Logan ran over to me and over-dramatically lifted me into his arms bridal style. "Yes. Everyone. We are taking this whole operation to the hospital. We are getting married, whether this baby likes it or not!"

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