Chapter 16

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"I heard you had a date with the alpha?" Claudette asked as I set up my phone to the speaker.

I laughed and put my phone down. "Yeah, I did. It's was nice actually." Bending over, I laced up my dancing shoes.

She gleamed with pride, "That's my little nephew. So, is he coming to your show?"

"Yeah he is! Along with Ryder and Star too!"

"That's wonderful dear! Well, I'll leave you to practice. Your big day is tomorrow after all!" She gave me a big hug before heading out the door. Sighing, I put on the song I chose for my dance.

Over and over again, I practiced my dance until I was certain I had it down. It was around ten thirty at night and Ms. Claudette said she was going to leave me to close the studio about three hours ago. I was sweaty and exhausted, I just wanted to go home and watch The Avengers.

"Tyler?" Logan poked his head in the door. He laughed when he saw me sprawled out across the floor face down. "You okay?"

I rolled over and pat the spot on the floor next to me. He came over and say down. Taking my hand, he rubbed circles on to my palm. "How's it coming?" He asked.

"It's coming, that's for sure." I sighed, "I think I'm ready though. I'm skipping school tomorrow to practice for tomorrow night. I just feel super stressed to the point where I'm not enjoying this dance anymore."

Logan had a focused look across his face. He lifted me up into his arms, stood up, and spun me around. I giggled as he put me down. "Dance with me," he smiled and looked down into my eyes.

He reached for his phone, and started to play a song.

As his arms wrapped back around me, he started to sing along to it. He spun me in circles and pulled me back to him. I laughed as he began to reenact the moves from Dirty Dancing. "Really, Logan? I didn't peg you as a Swayze fan," I joked as we danced.

  Logan smirked as he spun me around again. "Aunt Claudette taught me a few things as a kid and this routine was one of the few that stuck." He lifted me up and spun me around again, both of us grinning like idiots.

I smiled when he jumped away from me and started mimicking Patrick Swayze's moves. He jumped in the air and spun, landing with a smirk. He danced on his own away from me as I watched. When he turned back and inched forward again, I laughed as he was singing along. He then motioned me to run towards him and I knew what was happening. I ran and jumped with all my might. He caught me effortlessly and held me in the air.

  When he put me down, I wrapped my arms around his neck. "That was-"

"Awesome?" He suggested. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." He hugged me tight and lowered his head towards my neck. He inhaled creepily and growled.

  "Uh... What are you doing over there sir?" I asked nervously.

  "I haven't marked you. I'm dying to, but I can't- I don't want you to run away scared. I'm forcing myself to wait."

  Now, I didn't know what his marking meant, but the marking I knew about wasn't pleasant. I remember a cousin from my moms side having a dog, and she would always complain about it marking things in the house. Let me tell you something, I don't want to be peed on thank you very much.  "Well thank you for waiting? I uh- I actually have to get home soon."

   "I could drive you if you want?" He offered.

  "Yes please!" I smiled and went to get my stuff.


  "I'll see you tomorrow!" He kissed my forehead at the door.

Smiling, I hugged him and said good night. I snuck past the living room, where mom and dad hung out in the couch. Silently, I tiptoed up the stairs and towards my room but someone called me out. "Ty-ty?" Tori came out of her room, her eyes glazed and unfocused on me.

"Tori, what are you doing up? It's past your bedtime!" I whispered.

"It's almost time Tyler. Be careful, as after this your life shall change." She trudged back into her room and shut the door.

"Okay..." I narrowed my eyes at her door. When I got into my room, I noticed the flask from Kaiden was in my bed, not where u left it. A note was underneath.

My love,
    Drink this, you need your strength for the big day tomorrow.

I sighed, grabbed the bottle and taking a big gulp. I instantly felt refreshed and healthy all over again. After putting pajamas on and getting ready for bed, I pulled the covers over my cold body. Sleep consumed me, taking me to my own little dream world.

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