Chapter 33

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I barked at Logan and felt the cooled earth beneath my paws. Logan's wolf sneezed and headed towards me. His name is Axel, Blaze told me.

His fur was black like mine and his eyes shined gold like Logan's did when we first met. I gave him a wolfish smirk and charged at him; when I got close enough I pounced, doing a back flip off his back and knocking him over as I pushed away. Once he hit the ground, I took off into the woods.

Tyler.... Logan growled through the link. I continued to run until I myself was knocked to the ground. A wolfish chuckle came from Logan as he stood above me with a twinkle in his eye. 

My enjoyment was overrun with the feeling of dread and darkness. I could feel it in my bones that something was wrong and that I had to get to the pack house. I could feel Blaze getting antsy in the back of my mind, her presence radiating protectiveness. I hurriedly shoved Logan off with my paws and ran to the house, Logan following behind me.

Somethings wrong, somethings way wrong!

I could hear Logan calling out in the back of my mind but I couldn't hesitate. My speed increased to an unnatural velocity (unnatural to a werewolf anyway). I zapped through the trees, leaving Logan behind on my smoking trail. Heat swelled up in my paws, the ground beneath me was producing smoke as it made contact with my skin.

The house was in my sights, a pair of children played in the opposite end of the yard. As I got closer, my anxiety rose. Something was watching, something was wrong.

Red eyes.

They came through the trees on the other side of the territory, closer to the children then I was. I pushed myself harder, my heart thumping in my throat as the rogue came through the trees and behind the kids. With one big leap, I jumped over the pair and cut the snarling mutt off. His brown fur was mangy and crusted with blood. His tongue smacked over his showing teeth as he hunched over, ready for attack.

By now, Logan showed up. He mind linked the pack during my stare down with the rogue, some of the pack fighters rolled out along with Ryder. Logan must have shifted because from behind me his voice boomed, "I want eyes on the perimeters. Now!" Pairs of men scattered, shifting in a jump through the air and taking off towards the woods. Other fighters stayed behind, Ryder amongst them.

The rogue snarled at me, jumping forward to snap at my feet. I growled and scratched across his snout. The children behind me started to cry as they held each other.

Logan, get the kids in the house! I linked him.

I never moved my eyes from the wolf in front of me. The shuffling of children's feet got the wolfs eyes to waver behind me, making him jump to the side to try and get the kids. I wasn't about to just let that happen, so I bat him right on the snozzle with my paw. That's right. Boom.

He sneezed and shook his head rapidly. When his eyes found mine again, he was locked in my gaze. It was almost as if he couldn't move.

That's because that's exactly the reason. He CAN'T move. Blaze said, shocked.

The rogue began to whimper with fear in his eyes. The heat of my glare literally killing him. He started to shake painfully until with a final yelp, he turned to dust in a single poof of flames. "Tyler, what did you do?" Ryder whispered, bewildered and staring at the ashes.

I was frozen to my spot. I've never... Destroyed a life like that. Sure I killed a demon, but this was different. This was someone with a mate somewhere. The guy had a pulse and working organs.

"Tyler?" Logan called. A blanket was draped over my wolf form. As soon as I shifted, I began to sob. I hugged the blanket around my body and rocked back and forth, weeping over the ashes.

"I didn't- I didn't mean to-I didn't know that would-I just stared into his eyes and-"

Logan's arms lifted me bridal-style and held me to his warm chest. "It's okay, calm down." He turned around and I caught a glimpse of the pack fighters that stayed behind. To say they were beyond scared was an understatement. No one looked me in the eye, they just rocked on their heels. Logan noticed and growled a little bit, "Tyler, you did nothing wrong. You protected those children from a feral rogue. If you hadn't killed him first, I would have."
I nodded with tears staining my cheeks. But still, I shook in fear of myself and what I was capable of. What if Kaiden was right? What if I really was chaos in a small body?

Come At Me AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora