Chapter 35

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"What is that God awful noise?" I groaned and covered my head with the pillow. Logan propped himself up with his elbow and squinted out the window. "It's so loud, it could wake the dead all the way in Australia!"

"Oh my god." I heard him say. I rolled over a noticed him staring out the window like it would open up and reveal Batman. "Oh my-"

"God. I get it, but what's the matter? It's four in the morning!" I complained.

He rushed to get off the bed and pull a shirt over his head. "It's my father. He hasn't been heard from in over two and a half years. Last I knew, he was in China," he growled.

I sat up straight in bed, "China?" 

Logan rolled his eyes and walked right out the door. I groaned and literally slithered and slid out from under the sheets, landing on the floor with a thud. I was going to take my time to make myself presentable seeing how the dude showed up before the sun could.

I tied my hair into a ponytail and slipped on a white sundress. Because the air conditioning was on Elsa mode and decided to just let it go, I pushed my arms through a coral sweater. I finished with some sandals and went to brush my teeth but heard a ruckus coming from downstairs.

"What do you mean, what am I doing here? This is my home!"

"You left four years ago! You stopped all contact two years ago! For all we knew, you were dead in Russia or Florida or something!" Logan yelled back.

"And now I'm here! Would you please stop being such a ingrate and let me go upstairs?" The man growled.

I was so quiet when I made my way down the stairs that the father and son didn't even notice my presence. "Excuse me?" I coughed.

The mans head snapped over to me and he growled, making Logan growl and me smile. "Who are you?"

"I am Tyler, Logan's mate. I'm sorry for interrupting your reunion but I'm afraid I'm going to have to recommend postponing it." Logan bit his lip to prevent himself from laughing as he watched the shocked reaction I was getting from his father. "You see, you decided you come home at four in the morning. The sun is not up and neither was I-I mean,the pack members. They are all still sleeping and deserve their rest. By the looks of it, you yourself look awfully exhausted. Maybe we can all wait a few more hours before continuing this conversation. Perhaps in even a more civilized manner."

The man blinked a few times. "Yes... I think you're right. I'll... I'll see you in a more reasonable hour, son," he said as if he was is a dream and didn't believe it was real. He trudged off, dazed and confused, leaving a chuckling Logan next to me.

His arm snakes around my waist and pulled me to his side. "Are we going back to bed then?"

I shook my head, "You can. I'm wide awake at this point. I'll probably start cooking breakfast for the pack and baking cookies for everyone for after their training."

"Training isn't today, training happens on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays." He objected.

"That may be so, but your father is going to want to see how they've been since his departure." I countered. "Now go, I have work to do!" I shoved him away and headed towards the kitchen. I took my sweater off and shivered a little before getting over it. The cold never bothered me anyways.

I finished baking at least three hundred chocolate chip cookies before I realized that everyone usually woke up around 9:30. It was seven o'clock now. I fiddled with the emerald opal, the gift from Kaiden's father, around my neck. Why would he send me a gift? I mean, I technically rejected his son. Yet he was still lurking around.

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