Chapter 34

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I stared at myself in the full body mirror in the bathroom. I looked the same, I acted... less the same, and I definitely did not feel the same. Today would have been Tyler Calypso's seventeenth birthday. But Tyler Calypso died.

Since that day, I haven't danced, I haven't read, I haven't even written a status on my Twitter account. I'm barely myself anymore, especially after killing someone.

For three days, I hid in bed underneath blankets and stacked pillows. I felt so much guilt for killing a man, but at the same time I didn't because I saved the two little ones. I sat around beating myself up about it (metaphorically speaking of course), and didn't even bother to contact my family.

Logan would come and lay with me time to time. When my family called, he would tell me. Ryder would draw me pictures and started hang them up on the back of the bedroom door before I woke up. Every time I woke up, whether it was the morning or from taking a nap, I opened my eyes to a new comic or portrait taped onto the the big white quadrilateral. Star came by every now and then and built pillow forts around me. "If you really want to hide yourself away, you could at least do it in style," she would say.

For the first time in days, I got of of bed and took a shower. After staring at myself in the mirror, I realized I needed to toughen up and be a leader. I was Luna after all.

Did I mention that nobody knew it was my birthday? Yeah, I never told anyone. Not even Logan. Obviously my family knows, so I will definitely expect a call later.

Or so I thought...

"Tyler Calypso! You better get your Vulpix looking ass down here now before I go from Magikarp to Gyarados real quick!" My brother howled from downstairs. Sighing, I opened the bedroom door and headed towards the ruckus.

My family and Ms. Claudette stood there with a birthday cake, standing amongst my angry and confused friends. Star and Logan were mostly the angry ones. Ryder was just confused as always. "Why involve Pokemon, Frankie?" I asked.

He glared at me with a sassy hand on his hip. "Excuse me, but I think there is a bigger issue at hand."

Logan crossed his arms, "Yeah, like your damn birthday being today and you never saying anything!"

I shrugged, "You never asked."

Shaking his head, Logan angrily clenched his jaw and walked out the front door towards the woods. Balls, I messed up...

"Why didn't you say anything?" Star asked. She was pouting with a tear in her eye.

Sighing, I shrugged again. "I'm not to big on my birthday. I mean, my whole life it was just me celebrating with my family."

Ryder came and put an arm around my shoulder, "Well, we're your family too now. So I expect you to go upstairs and put on a nice outfit, because we are going to go have fun!" Star rose her hands up and down yelling 'whoop whoop' while Frankie whispered something to my dad. I watched my brother walk out the front door before Ryder pushed my away and towards the stairs, "What did I say, young lady? Go!"

~~Frankie's POV~~

I watched Logan storm out the front door and knew that something was up. Tyler seemed... well... dead inside. As Ryder said something to my sister, I whispered to my dad, "Hey, I'm going to go get Logan. I'll be right back." He nodded and adjust Tori in his arms. I could feel Tyler's eyes on me as I walked out the door.

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