Chapter 9

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   Logan went into full-on Hulk mode after finding the blood. He locked my doors and windows, literally tucked me into bed so tight I couldn't move, and protectively wrapped his arms around me. "Logan?"

    He sighed, "Yes, my love?" I flinched as he called me the same thing the man did.

    "Can't.... Breathe.... Crushing.... Me...." I struggled for air under his strength. Muttering a curse word, he released me from his arms of steel. "Thank you."

     "What did Tori say to you earlier?" I asked. I felt him chuckle and sigh.

    "Nothing for you to worry about. I'll tell you some other time." He brushed the hair from my face and whispered, "Right now, go to sleep." And we did. 

     I woke up the next morning to Logan gone and a note telling me to call him. "Good morning!" He answered.

   "Where'd you go?" I grumbled into the phone. It was too early for happiness. He chuckled from the other end.

   "Well I couldn't let your parents find me in your room, could I? They'd think something happened. Anyways, be ready by 7:15." I heard some shuffling. "Now before you ask why, it's because I'm picking you up for school." He hung up before I could say anything.

Stretching, I got off the bed and looked in the mirror. I must of spent at least five minutes staring into my reflection; something about me just screamed different. My mother strolled into my room, "Mom! What if I was getting dressed?" She just shrugged and stared at me.

Without any emotion, she asked, "Honey, are you pregnant?"

"WHAT!" Somehow my dad heard from down the hall and ran into my room in his work suit... With a bat. "You're pregnant?! Where is that son of a—"

"What? No! I'm definitely not pregnant!" My cheeks flushed and I hid behind my hair.

Mom sighed in relief and started to go through my closet. "Sorry honey, it's just that you're... What's the word I'm looking for?"

"Glowing?" My dad offered.

"Yes, glowing!" She comes out holding a floral sun dress and lays it on the bed. "Your hair looks healthier than ever."

    My dad cuts in, "Your skin is clearer and... porcelain like. It's kind of scary how unflawed it is." He comes over and slides a finger over  my face. "You're not even wearing makeup!"

   Mom smiled and hugged me. "You just look so alive and happy." When she pulled back she laughed at my furrowed eyebrows, "Well now you just look funny. Okay honey, let's go and let Tyler to get dressed."

   They started out the door but dad turned back with a final 'I'm watching you' hand motion. I looked back at the mirror. Just like they said, I was glowing, everything about was just brighter.

When Logan came to get me this morning, he took one glance at me and growled. "What? Do I look bad? Is the dress too short or something?" I panicked and frantically searched my outfit.

Logan didn't reply. He clenched his jaw and faced forward. I waited but he didn't say a word. I slid into the car and as soon as I shut the door, he sped off. "Jeez-Louise, Logan! Can you slow down a bit?" No answer. His eyes were nearly black and his knuckles were white with the pressure he hand on the wheel.

As soon as we made it to school he stopped in front of the building, allowing me to get out and without so much as a goodbye, he sped off.

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