Chapter 13

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Kaiden is coming.

The words spun in my head over and over as I waited, laying on the floor under a blanket fort next to a sleeping Star.

Kaiden is coming.

After I was told the thing my mind refuses to even grasp, Star and I went upstairs. We didn't watch Criminal Minds like we wanted to. We didn't make snacks. She just pulled me into a hug and let me cry. No one said anything, she just comforted me. After a while I stood up and began to make the fort. Star was lost at first, but then she realized what was happening and began to help. Like she said, forts make everything better. That's what I was trying to do.

I think it was just the fact that I didn't even know that I was supposed to die as a child and then suddenly I wasn't, that really made me emotional. I mean, it was years of pain and suffering and then just when there was hope the tumor spread. And then there was hope again. And I didn't even know or remember. Now I have to accept a new fate, whatever it may be.

I checked my phone for the time; 12:45 am. Well, who ever Kaiden is, he's not one to let people sleep. Here I am waiting to confront him, and he's taking him good old time. Sure, he isn't aware that I'm waiting but he could've showed up a little sooner.

"You know, you were supposed to be asleep." A deep voice chuckled. I tensed, but slowly tilted my head towards the widow. "You weren't supposed to actually meet me yet. That's why I come when you're sleeping."

I didn't reply. I just started to crawl out from the little tent-thingy and stood up. It was too dark, all I could see was the silhouette of a man leaning against the open window. Staying where I was, I studied him. His shadow anyways. From what I could tell, he was tall. Taller than me...but than again, a lot of people are. He was muscular too. I could hear the smirk in his voice as he commented, "My love, you're staring."

I glared at his figure. "Well, I usually like to make eye contact with the person I'm talking to, but seeing how I can't see anything, your shadow is the only thing I can look at."

He just laughed again. "Would you like for me to step into the light?"

"It would make things easier, don't you think, Mr. Bradley?" I replied with attitude.

Fear creeped up my spine as he appeared in front of me faster than the speed of Thor's lightning. I closed my eyes, not wanting to look anymore. His fingers brushed against my waist as his cold breath fanned against my face. "Why the formalities, love?" His accent was unmistakable as English but it was faded as if he spent a long time away from home. I felt his lips slide against my ear as he whispered smugly, "You are after all drinking my blood."

I shoved him away, my eyes still shut. "Okay, cut out the whole Phantom of the Opera act. What's with the whole leaving notes and never showing your face thing?-"

"Well I'm showing my face now, if you would just open your eyes-"

"And then the whole Peter Pan-Edward Cullen thing! Sneaking through my window at night and just hovering there!"

"Technically I don't just hover. Usually I make sure your safe, healthy, and when you're not I give you my blood-"

"Now, I'm getting flashbacks of something that I never knew happened. And apparently you're the reason I'm alive today! But I'm really freaking out about why I never knew!"

"You didn't know because when I gave you my blood for the first time, I erased any memory you had of ever having cancer. I replaced it with the thought of you being happy. As far as you knew, you were healthy and just getting a check up." He said.

That's when I opened my eyes. I had to look up to see his face, which was centimeters from my own. His blue eyes glowed with adoration while he smiled a smile brighter than my brothers future. No offense to Frankie but... it's kinda true. This man was just as beautiful as Thor. And that's saying something seeing how I absolutely love that brilliant God. My eyes scanned over his face, "Woah..."

   "That's exactly how I feel looking at you," he said, brushing a traitorous piece of hair from my face.

   "I-I...uh..." I was completely hypnotized by him.

   I then realized something so very important. Logan. My mind and heart were ripping themselves in half just at the thought of him. My supposed mate and the beautiful... Wait a minute!

  "What... What are you?" I stuttered.

  He continued to gaze into my eyes, "I'm a cursed man. That's what I am."

   I rolled my eyes. "That clears up so much."

   "I'm a vampire, Tyler. A vampire with a few extra... details. But a vampire none the less."

   "Oh my gods, this is so cliche! I mean vampire versus werewolf? Come on!" I groaned.

   "That mutt doesn't deserve you!" He growled. "He won't protect you like I will; like I have!"

   I didn't know what to say. "But... He's my mate."

   His hands gently brought me closer to him. His lips grazed against mine, "Tell me that you don't feel this." His mouth molded into my own, igniting sparks. When he released me from the kiss, he rested his forehead on mine. All I felt was joy. Almost as if I were on some drug, I felt happy and lighter than air.

"He may be your mate. But I was your mate first. I found you, while you were waiting for death as a child. I wasn't going to let my mate die before she had the chance to live. So I healed you and afterwards I kept my distance. I was going to try to wait for you to age a little more to be completely honest. I stopped aging at twenty two. So it would look strange for me to hang around a little girl." He chuckled, making me smile.

   "So I kept my distance and made sure you were safe. Then I noticed that you started to become weak every year. I realized that your body needed my blood to keep going. Every year became every few months, which became every month, which became every few weeks. Now here we are."

   "I know that knowing everything makes things more complicated now, but I promise that everything will work out. You are my world, Tyler. I won't let anything happen to you, whether you're with him or me." He kissed my forehead and stared down into my eyes one final time. "Sleep, my love. You'll see me again soon."

   I yawned as if it were on command. My eyes felt droopy and sluggish. "But I have so many questions..."

   He placed me on the bed and pulled a blanket over me. "I will answer them another time. I have to go now. Goodnight, Tyler."

    Sighing in sleepy content, I watched him walked back to the window and begin to gracefully make his way out of it. "Goodnight, Kaiden."

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